Brake Pad Grumble

TheKrikkitWars Posts: 178
edited June 2010 in MTB general
I went into the LBS today to get some new pads (for HFX-9's) and they were out of hayes, so gave me some aztec's instead, seems all good.

Got home, cleaned the disk, went to fit the new pads, and BAM! they were too big, a moment with the calipers confirmed what I thought, the pads were fractionally larger than the space for them (about 0.7mm) a couple of minutes with a metal file and the pad's held between some clean tissue sorted it all out and the brakes work fine (no squeal either); but I'm pissed off had to file the pads down to fit.


  • cee
    cee Posts: 4,553
    meh... it happens with some third party pads.
    Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I believe in the future of the human race.

    H.G. Wells.
  • Johnny Napalm
    Johnny Napalm Posts: 1,458
    Yeah, I've had similar issues in the past too! You get what you pay for!
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