what size Torx bolts on a Shimano M660 chain ring bolts?

jairaj Posts: 3,009
edited June 2010 in MTB workshop & tech
HI just a quick question. Any one know what size Torx bolts are used on a Shimano M660 chainset as the chain ring bolts?

I've got a T25 driver which I think is the standard size for disk rotor bolts but this seems to small for the chain ring bolts on the M660.

So I need to buy a larger Torx driver but I don't know what size. The Shimano documents say its a Torx M8 but this doesn't seem to make any sense.


  • lemme check...
  • nips.. my tools are in the car... but.
    Touched wrote:
    I was just working on my 2008 XT chainring with a T-30 torx wrench. Oh, and it fit ;)
  • Chunkers1980
    Chunkers1980 Posts: 8,035
    Weird my 770 xt is or works with t27
  • jairaj
    jairaj Posts: 3,009
    Does the T27 fit flush in the bolt?

    The thing with Torx is that smaller drivers can still fit and work but you could damage the bolt if not carefull. My T25 fits and looks like it would work in an emergency but its a bit loose and I'll probably end up rounding the bolt head.
  • Chunkers1980
    Chunkers1980 Posts: 8,035
    Yeah - I thought it was t25 - it just worked but like you say it slipped - poped in the t27 no slip - may have even taken a t30 but am yet to try. Why oh why the numpties have done this I really don't know - what was wrong with good old allen keys...
  • jairaj
    jairaj Posts: 3,009
    I'll just buy a T27 and T30 and return one of them.

    thanks all for the help.
  • Chunkers1980
    Chunkers1980 Posts: 8,035
    Go the B&Q and buy a set - much cheaper - I've a got foldout set with loads for £5.50.... And it seems like quality steel.
  • ian220476
    ian220476 Posts: 164
    I'm 99% certain i used a T30 on mine
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