- still going?

rjsmith Posts: 1,924
edited June 2010 in Pro race
I used to subscribe to, which was ok until I got mobile broadband which made it unuseable.
Fingers crossed that we get back to normal broadband soon. If so, is still going? service still good?


  • jimmythecuckoo
    jimmythecuckoo Posts: 4,720
    I havent looked for ages (and it is blocked on this pc)... had a lot of potential but seemed to go over to be more US based.
  • calvjones
    calvjones Posts: 3,850
    rjsmith wrote:
    I used to subscribe to, which was ok until I got mobile broadband which made it unuseable.
    Fingers crossed that we get back to normal broadband soon. If so, is still going? service still good?

    I think many on here (me included) would find the 'is it still good' question impossible to answer. Much like 'have you stopped beating your wife?'

    The consensus I think is that its still avery clunky website, misses out on UK-available Eurosport races (i.e. most of them) and replicates coverage that is generally free on

    However, if you a prepared to pay for high quality pictures, like guaranteed English-language coverage, and use a PC not a Mac, it may be worth a look. Still.

    Strava is not Zen.
  • takethehighroad
    takethehighroad Posts: 6,835
    To be honest I'd rather go with the Eurosport Player, what with Eurosport happily having lots of cycling coverage this year. OK so Carlton Kirby may not be the best commentator ever (understatement of the decade there) but at least the coverage is there, and at least the commentary is (mostly) in English.
  • AndyRubio
    AndyRubio Posts: 880
    OK so Carlton Kirby may not be the best commentator ever (understatement of the decade there)
    I like him. And at least David D*ffield isn't on the scene any more. And that guy today couldn't pronounce anyone's names properly.

    PS was sh*t even before it got worse. It'd be a joke if they didn't charge money for it.
  • rjsmith
    rjsmith Posts: 1,924
    Thanks for the replies. Ah yes, Eurosport player - that could be a good option once I get reliable broadband. Cheers.
  • jimmythecuckoo
    jimmythecuckoo Posts: 4,720
    So Eurosport player is worth it then? have been considering getting it as we have finally got a faster pc and can feed through the tv.
  • takethehighroad
    takethehighroad Posts: 6,835
    It's worth it for people like me who can't afford any type of Sky/Virgin but have good broadband connection and want to watch the cycling
  • Richrd2205
    Richrd2205 Posts: 1,267
    So Eurosport player is worth it then? have been considering getting it as we have finally got a faster pc and can feed through the tv.
    If you have a decent broadband connection, then I think it's well worth it. Fairly cheap & better coverage than you get through the TV.
    To be fair though, you'll no get anything like HD coverage, so if that's an option via TV, the online subscription might not be so appealing....
    One of my best purchases this year, I like it lots!