Time Megeve - sad news

Yesterday, it was the Time Megeve Mont Blanc event in the northern French Alps, and sadly a rider was killed during the event. This is the first fatality in 21 years of the event.

I'm attaching a link that's been passed around the cycling community here in Grenoble today. The following web page shows some photos of where the incident took place, and shows why we need to take it easy when riding these big events.




  • MarkRB
    MarkRB Posts: 18

    Thank you for sharing this sad news - but one hopes by sharing it may bring about some changes to prevent another occurrence.

  • mrushton
    mrushton Posts: 5,182
    Can't understand how he didn't get round that corner. Is that his bike further down the pictures? It looks undamaged so did it not go over the edge?