Le Terrier Sportive - a great event

parky53 Posts: 41
Just thought I would start a thread to acknowledge what an *excellent* event the Lancaster-based "Le Terrier" Sportive was yesterday (6/6/10) http://www.le-terrier.co.uk/ The last 15 miles of the 80 miler must be as tough as any final section of any UK Sportive and I include the Fred Whitton Hardknott/Wrynose finish in that. My average mph for this course was slower than I have ever clocked for the Fred. A shame that the early mist obscured the views for a while but these must be the quietest roads in England with hardly any cars encountered all day.

A big thankyou to all the organisers and helpers and I would thoroughly recommend this event as a great alternative for all you disgruntled Dragon riders.



  • maddog 2
    maddog 2 Posts: 8,114
    didn't do the Sunday ride as I had the kids all day but I rode the Roeburndale section the 'wrong' way on Saturday and noticed the signs. Great stretch of road. Boiling hot and lovely. Not quite Hard Knott though...
    Facts are meaningless, you can use facts to prove anything that's remotely true! - Homer
  • young dog
    young dog Posts: 64
    Hi Keith
    We are glad that you liked the ride.
    Hmn Roeburndale, tough! But even tougher after the miles that you put in. Your average mileage is interesting and expected, I am sure that you will agree with the statement- 'no junk miles'
    I wonder if Rob Jebb could ride le terrier at 21mph average? I doubt it.
    When the route was designed, I wondered how riders would fare and was cautious about increasing it. Have you seen next years routes? The 45 stays, a new slightly shorter long version finishing through Roeburndale and Le terrier sauvage at 97.4 miles. Is that the going to be the toughest in the UK?
    These routes will be used from 2011, with the exception that we have 2 special routes for Olympic year 2012. I feel thet you will understand the meaning, if we say they are special.
    I will be emailing this years riders shortly confirming their guaranteed place on next years ride.
  • young dog
    young dog Posts: 64
    Whoops forgot to say.
    Check out kcac.co.uk , scroll down to find Le terrier. A view from hard cyclists!
  • parky53
    parky53 Posts: 41
    young dog wrote:
    Have you seen next years routes?
    No - there is nothing on the Le terrier website about them - it doesn't seem to have been updated.

  • young dog
    young dog Posts: 64
    Hi Parky.
    As one of this years riders, we will email you the links to the new rides. Entries will be open in a couple of weeks for this years riders up to 31.12.10. From 1st January, entries are open to all and the rides on willbe on the website.
    Which bit did you like the most? Roeburndale is abit of a shock when you see where you have to go from the 3rd gate!
  • parky53
    parky53 Posts: 41
    young dog wrote:
    Which bit did you like the most? Roeburndale is abit of a shock when you see where you have to go from the 3rd gate!
    The worst shock was having to do Scout Camp (weird name that) after Roeburndale - I thought we'd finished with all the hard stuff after the "cyclocross" section ;-) Seriously, I enjoyed it all - including being attacked by a farm dog which started gnawing on my right shoe and wouldn't let go - the beast was obviously inspired by the doggy theme of the ride.