two questions - pumps and spokes

PBo Posts: 2,493
edited June 2010 in The workshop
1) bought a cheapo mini pump with gauge. guess it won't be that accurate, but anyone got any idea whether, as a rule of thumb, it might under or over read?

2) got a back wheel which really needs rebuilding - but thats for another day! However, whilst trying to true it, noticed one or two nipples/spokes have fused. Any idea how to release? additionally, last time I replaced a broken spoke, thought I'd prevent future aforementioned fusing by greasing threads, but now won't stay taut, and keeps loosening! should I have used something else?



  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    With the spokes, try some dismantling fluid. If the are coming loose it is a sign the wheel is not correctly and evenly tensioned.
  • PBo
    PBo Posts: 2,493
    supersonic wrote:
    With the spokes, try some dismantling fluid. If the are coming loose it is a sign the wheel is not correctly and evenly tensioned.

    would such a fluid be a general diy purchase at b & q or a specialist purchase at lbs? Cheers
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    PBo wrote:
    1) bought a cheapo mini pump with gauge. guess it won't be that accurate, but anyone got any idea whether, as a rule of thumb, it might under or over read?

    It probably won't pump to a high enough pressure for the accuracy of the gauge to matter. Better of with a Leyzne Pressure Drive; no gauge but they are capable of reaching useful pressures and, post puncture, you really just need to get the tyres as hard as you can; the gauge adds little.
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