Getting the train to Delamere forest in Cheshire :?:

leejayd Posts: 3
edited June 2010 in MTB general
There's two of us looking to get the train from Northwich to Delamere forest for a ride but not sure if I'll get my bike on the train. The train operator Northern Rail say they have space for 2 bikes. There's bound to be at least 2 bikes on the train before we get on it as the train is coming from Manchester.

On other trains I've got I just stand in the area near the doors and I've not had a problem.

Has anyone used Northern Rail trains with their bikes? Do they usually let bikes on regardless?



  • Duggan13
    Duggan13 Posts: 75
    I travelled to Delamere from Manchester a while ago and there were quite a few bikes on the train, the staff didn't seem bothered and were very friendly. It does say max 2 bikes per train officially but I suspect unless bikes are blocking the doors they're not concerned. All the bikes were in a special kind of bike/pram carirage at the end so didn't affect other travellers either.

    Also, on the way back I noted that on the Delamere station Timetables it denotes the station as a 'non-stopping' station and so you have to 'wave your arms' to get the train to stop when you see it coming according to the woman on the trainline when I phoned- slightly concerned I was going to be stranded :?

    Didn't bother though as I would have felt very stupid, especially to the people sat on the platform opposite, but it stopped anyway :D
  • leejayd
    leejayd Posts: 3
    Cheers Duggan13. Great tip to catch the train back from Delamere
  • Happy Harry
    Happy Harry Posts: 345
    There's no easy answer to this. This is what it says on Northern's website:
    You can take your bike on any Northern train where there is space. Only one bike is allowed per person. All trains can accommodate up to two bikes and space is allocated on a first come, first served basis.
    I currently work as a guard on sprinter trains for a different train operating company but with the same policy. The last word is down to the guard on the day. One or two jobsworths might say two bikes maximum and turn away any others. Most of us are more reasonable. I've had 12 on before now!

    Unfortunately, Northern don't offer reservations and there is no way of guaranteeing that your bike will be accepted. Having said that, it is usually only a problem at peak times when there are lots of bikes and if you travel outside of the rush hours you are unlikely to have a problem.

    As for request stops, we've got a few of those as well. Make sure you tell the guard that you want to get off or it may not stop! If nobody's getting off, the driver will slow down on approach but if nobody's on the platform he'll accelerate away early so make yourself visible and stick your hand out to be sure.
    Canyon XC 8.0 '11
    Whyte 19 steel '10
  • chedabob
    chedabob Posts: 1,133
    The last time I was on a North Rail train it was a push to fit just 2 bikes in. The space wasn't big enough so the bikes had to go in at an angle. Thankfully there were only two bikes on.

    Also I've been on the Chester train before, and there's barely been any people on it, let alone bikes.
  • Steve_b77
    Steve_b77 Posts: 1,680
    Duggan13 wrote:
    Also, on the way back I noted that on the Delamere station Timetables it denotes the station as a 'non-stopping' station and so you have to 'wave your arms' to get the train to stop when you see it coming according to the woman on the trainline when I phoned- slightly concerned I was going to be stranded :?

    DO NOT whatever you do wave your arms to attract the train, that motion is taken as an emergency by the driver and could result in them undertaking an emergency stop, you'll htne have to explain yourself to British Transport Police as to why you flagged down a train.

    There is sufficient sighting distance on Delamere platform for the driver to see anyone wishing to board, the train itself slows down prior to the station to ensure this.