New Carbon Bike......Question?

Papapete Posts: 133
edited June 2010 in Road beginners
I have just had my first 20 mile trip out on my first carbon bike, and for the full time I had a constant clanging / creaking noise. It was not intermittent and happened all the time, even when free wheeling. I stopped the bike and checked over for loose bits but could not see anything.

Before i go marching back to the bike shop, I thought I would ask you guys if either, this is normal and will take time to 'bed' in or whether there is something else simple which I cannot see.

i'm a little gutted as was looking forward to the experience after owning an aluminium frame for the last 18 months.

The bike in question is an Orbea Onix with Ultegra groupset and Shimano RS20 wheels (if any of the bits matter)

Thanks in advance.


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665

    Undo, spray some WD40, put back together...

    It could be bloody anything TBH!
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    No idea roughly where it was coming from?...
    Can you ride with another person, so they can listen/watch (for bike noises!... Jeez, you guys... :oops: )
    Is everything torqued up correctly?
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • masterchef
    masterchef Posts: 202
    those are pretty awesome wheels imo! those are the wheels on the raleigh avanti comp model:)
    best bike: raleigh avanti U6 carbon comp
    10m tt pb:23:42.
    25m tt pb: 1h 2min( only done 2)
  • Papapete
    Papapete Posts: 133
    I have thought about seat post as that's the only thing I have adjusted myself since i got the bike. I assume that it's ok then to use WD40 on carbon seat posts in carbon frames (daft question?)?

    I tend to hit the roads alone, and to be honest I was hoping to pass some other roadies on the trip out and ask opinion, but I didn't see anyone.
  • brin
    brin Posts: 1,122
    DON'T apply WD40 - DO go marching back to bike shop, let them sort it
  • guilliano
    guilliano Posts: 5,495
    Noises of any concern are worthy of a visit to the shop! It could be something simple or it could be a major problem, no way of knowing until it's checked if you don't know where it's coming from.
  • Papapete
    Papapete Posts: 133
    I have just sent an e-mail to the shop in question and hope for a response tomorrow (shall also call them tomorrow)

    I am murder when it comes to noises, especially when I don't know where there coming from. Hopefully nothing too serious and gets resolved asap. Hoping to use this bike on the Dave Lloyd Mega Challenge.

    Thanks for the responses
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    NapoleonD wrote:

    Undo, spray some WD40, put back together...

    It could be bloody anything TBH!

    I mean detaching the seat from the post, not the post from the frame BTW...

    But yes, take it back to the shop///
  • carl_p
    carl_p Posts: 989
    Get it to the shop pronto - that's a lot of bike and kit at risk. Could be one or more loose spokes.
    Specialized Venge S Works
    Cannondale Synapse
    Enigma Etape
    Genesis Flyer Single Speed

    Turn the corner, rub my eyes and hope the world will last...
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Is it notjust the new wheels pinging ?
  • Papapete
    Papapete Posts: 133
    Definately not the wheels, as it is the sound of something against the carbon and therefore narrowed it down to either:

    a) something loose and knocking against the frame, but I have checked everything

    b) very creaky carbon

    I am due to take in to shop on Sunday, so will get them to sort it
  • sturmey
    sturmey Posts: 964
    Broken bottle cage or loose bottle cage bolts- checked these?
  • sagalout
    sagalout Posts: 338
    I had similar on my bike for a couple of weeks - drove me nuts! Turned out to be the headset not tight enough. Loosened off the stem, gave the headset a couple more turns, retightened the stem and all the creaking and banging just stopped.

    At first I could of sworn the sound was coming from the bottom bracket - noises seam hard to pinpoint when you're riding!
  • Papapete
    Papapete Posts: 133
    I have just checked the bottle cage bolts, and...............they were a bit loose. I'm guessing coupled with a full bottle may cause a bit of creaking.

    If that is the problem I could be made to look very daft :oops:

    Out for a spin in the morning to check
  • twotyred
    twotyred Posts: 822
    Another vote here for the headset being loose.
  • andyrr
    andyrr Posts: 1,827
    Before taking it to the bike shop try checking every bit of the bike : are the wheel qr skewers sight enough, headset ok, saddle tight enough on the seatpost rails, brake pads not rubbing on the rims, cranks tight, front mech adjusted so it isn't rubbing when the chain runs at an angle, pedals tight in the cranks, cables not flapping against the frame, wheels straight in the frame and not rubbing on the chainstays, cassette lockring tight enough .....
    Loads of potential places for noises.
  • rake
    rake Posts: 3,204
    i developed a persistant noise coming from the headset. a ticking noise like a cable or a carbon creak, enough to worry about the integrity of the forks. on closer inspection its the carbon spacers under the stem as the forks vibrate on the road, very dry weather and the spacers are carbon, maybe the assembly paste which got between the spacers when i put the stem is causing it. so check the headset adjustment.
  • another one for the headset
  • hammerite
    hammerite Posts: 3,408
    Could be anything.

    The annoying creaks/rattles on my bike were bottle cage bolts and cage. Tightened, resolved slightly, then changed the bottle cage - all noise went.

    The other place was the plastic cover that goes over the cables under the top tube. This just took some bedding in to sort, but still returns on very bumpy roads.

    My current annoying rattle comes from my bike computer, not sure why the mount has started rattling, I've taken it off and put it back on again. I might put a bit of old tube under it to stop it.
  • skyd0g
    skyd0g Posts: 2,540
    It could also be the cables rubbing / knocking against the frame.
    Cycling weakly
  • Papapete
    Papapete Posts: 133
    Now all sorted.

    Was the seat post after all, I had it set too far forward (past the recommended scope), not by much but enough to cause it to creak. Figured this out before trip to bike shop, could have been made to look stupid :oops:

    Now been out a few times and am happy bunny, set up also feels right.

    Thanks for all your replies