ETA roadside rescue

suffolk rider
suffolk rider Posts: 103
edited June 2010 in Tour & expedition
I have had a policy with ETA for a year or two now, but it was not until last weekend that I had cause to call their emergency help line. I had suffered a puncture, but unfortunately the valve to my pump had gone missing so I was unable to pump up the tyre. Had I read the small print of my policy I would of course have known that putures are not covered, as cyclists are supposed to carry full repair kits. Fair enough.
What was not fair enough, however, was the response I received from the operator. I was under the (apparently mistaken) impression that ETA specialised in cycling problems. But judging from this operator's reaction, I was the first cyclist whose query he had ever dealt with. In spite of stating clearly at the outset that I was on a bike, he asked for the registration number of my vehicle! I repeated I was on a bike, so he asked me whether I had any passengers or animals on board!
Finally, however, we seemed ot be making progress, as he took down the details of my location, etc. only for him to ask me to hold the line (for "just a second", which turned out to be several minutes). The upshot was that he was unable to help as I was not covered. Again, fair enough but for the fact that the whole process (according to my mobile phone) had taken over 10 minutes. I dread to think how much the call cost me, as the so-called free helpline is not free to mobiles (I wonder how many people call from a land line in an emergency relating to a breakdown...).
I am not impressed, but I hope this is a mere aberration, and that other cyclists have better experiences with this company


  • Heckler1974
    Heckler1974 Posts: 479
    Interesting, I'm insured with them (for my Sunday Best bike)and was intrigued how that would work, whether it was a case of six seater taxi turns up for you and bike or whether they would actually get a 'bike mechanic' to come out to you?
  • I am still wondering! I can understand how they would expect us to fix a puncture (although there is extra puncture cover is apaprently avialable), but I suppose I shall have to wait until my chain snaps or something.