Latest UCI Rankings - Riders & Teams

pedro118118 Posts: 1,102
edited June 2010 in Pro race
Following Valv.Piti's ban, Cuddles has been promoted to #1. Don't imagine too many people would argue with that given his solid results across the board this season. Just reward for consistency...

Intersting to note that Sky riders are pretty thin on the ground. Flecha is the highest ranking up there at 42nd, with Wiggo (fresh from his Giro Prologue win) at 76.

In the team rankings, Sky are 17th.

What do we think?
Or perhaps all our expectations were too high?


  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Season isn't over yet and the main goal of Team Sky is the Tour.
  • pedro118118
    pedro118118 Posts: 1,102
    What do Sky need to acheive at the Tour to make the season a success? Surely anything other than a podium & stage win(s)? A top 10 on GC surely isn't good enough is it?
  • Eau Rouge
    Eau Rouge Posts: 1,118
    Isn't Flecha 39th after you take out Valverde, and Henderson is above him in 26th(25th)

    EDIT: It seems the Cycling News list isn't accurate. Henderson is 27th, Flecha 42nd.
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    Following Valv.Piti's ban, Cuddles has been promoted to #1. Don't imagine too many people would argue with that given his solid results across the board this season. Just reward for consistency...

    Intersting to note that Sky riders are pretty thin on the ground. Flecha is the highest ranking up there at 42nd, with Wiggo (fresh from his Giro Prologue win) at 76.

    In the team rankings, Sky are 17th.

    What do we think?
    Or perhaps all our expectations were too high?

    Either our expectations are off kilter, or the UCI World Rankings aren't an accurate way of measuring team / rider success. It's one or the other.

    Isn't it just a rebadged version of the Pro Tour rankings? So Flecha's Het Volk is not taken into account, while Henderson's stunning win in the TDU crit is? Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    This is why I prefer the CQ rankings

    Anyyyyyyyyyway, Sky. So, I think they've done ok, but they're not a "super team" IMO. Some good rides, but also some terrible rides. A few stages in the Giro you were literally waiting for one of them to deck it. They are quite good at riding on the front but seem to do it at completely the wrong point in the race. That improved as the giro went on though.

    I've not seen anything which leads me to believe they can support Wiggins in the high mountains. Of course, they could be keeping their powder dry too.

    The questions is : Would an on form Wiggins live in the mountains alongside Basso and Evans.

    Anyone else hear about the special pillow cases and tooth paste in the RP podcast and think "Jesus wept" [(c) andyp]
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • micron
    micron Posts: 1,843
    Surely, realistically, a success? I'm no fan but they've had some good wins for a team that clearly hasn't quite gelled yet.
  • Doobz
    Doobz Posts: 2,800
    Rome wasn't built in a day..