Anyone want a lift to the TdF???

ride_bianchi Posts: 2
edited May 2010 in Pro race
Heading down to the Tour de France this year to see stages 7,8,9 and possibly 10, in the Alps. 11th to the 14th of July. Probably head down a couple of days early get a bit of riding in. Will be roughing it in a tent, as booking anything more substantial up should probably have been done months ago. Looking to camp up as near as possible and cycle up at stupid o'clock in the morning. Guy I arranged to go with has pulled out so could take 1 possibly 2 other people. Let me know if anyone is interested!


  • pomtarr
    pomtarr Posts: 318
    I've sent you a PM. :wink:
    "Difficult, difficult, lemon difficult"