epic crash....pity I dont know what happened



  • Cafewanda
    Cafewanda Posts: 2,788
  • Aapje
    Aapje Posts: 77
    Nooooooooooooo don't do it with the knitting needles! Your skin gets really thin and delicate under a cast, so while a knitting needle wouldn't normally cut you it may. An ex of mine managed to stab himself in the leg really rather badly with a knitting needle. It was very icky indeed.

    An itch will go away by itself. It will. Promise.
    Or use a ruler.
  • lost_in_thought
    lost_in_thought Posts: 10,563
    Aapje wrote:
    Nooooooooooooo don't do it with the knitting needles! Your skin gets really thin and delicate under a cast, so while a knitting needle wouldn't normally cut you it may. An ex of mine managed to stab himself in the leg really rather badly with a knitting needle. It was very icky indeed.

    An itch will go away by itself. It will. Promise.
    Or use a ruler.

    A ruler is at least less stabby. If you do manage to cut yourself with it, though, it's a trip to hospital for a new cast. Or infection. Ewww. Also, gangrene. :P
  • prj45
    prj45 Posts: 2,208
    Ewww. Also, gangrene. :P

    It would be a bit of a pisser if they took your cast off and your leg came off with it.
  • merkin
    merkin Posts: 452
    Finding out the basics via second hand facts may be beneficial. As you said, you can avoid a re-occurrence! We all learn from our mistakes.
    You may sometimes be better off not having the exact slo-mo recollection of a chain of events as you tend to replay them when you should be doing things, such as sleeping etc, to no benefit whatsoever. Also it has happened now. You cannot go back in time. Concentrate on getting on with things.
    Enjoy the start of the world cup while I am at work :P
    Good luck with your recovery and all the best.
  • pofadder
    pofadder Posts: 19
    Thanks dudes, some beer has definitely speeded my recovery process along :D
    San Miguel seems to have this special healing ingredient 8)

    Oh, and I found a straw that was OK for scratching under the cast....

    So here's the basic details - as far as I remember (should have prob put this up at the start!)
    I was cycling off to gym (in Putney...far from home, yes, I know) going from Hampton Court-ish, I can remember stuff up to about the point where I got to Kingston, going past Bentalls and all that, and from there on I've got a blank spot. Dunno really where exactly I cycled - I usually go over Kingston hill, then straight through to Putney.

    ....mountain bike on slicks...putting me not so high on the scr rankings...
    I have been known to take a few roadies down every once in a while :lol:

    Anyway, the next thing I remember is waking up in an ambulance, lotsa cops around, trying to ask me stuff - I wasn't coherent yet so I don't really remember any details. What I do remember is the ambulance guy loading up my bike, and the off to hospital I went..

    I havent done any detailed inspection of my bike yet - it has no obvious scratches (that I could see). The rims are slightly messed up though and will need some TLC.

    I dont actually mind anymore not knowing - if it was something stooopid I did, well then I would rather not know. I prefer to think somebody knocked me off by accident, in which case I would be happy as it was just an accident!
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    Wow you lot have a lot of memory loss! I remember every detail of my crash last Nov except the actual impact and roll over the car bonnet, through the windscreen and onto the tarmac. That bit's a blur.

    I remember the maroon Ford Escort bonnet emerging across my path and remember a momentary panic knowing that I wouldn't be able to avoid it and then bang, spin through the air, various impacts and that stillness, on my back, thinking that I needed to get up or I would be late for work, then faces appearing above me telling me not to try to move etc. I remember a policewoman leaning over me and saying "yes, I think he's busted his nose" and being very upset by this. I remember the ambulance and remember being scooped off the ground with a neck brace, I remember that ambulance crew got a call about another accident down the road from mine - a cyclist and HGV. They discussed stopping off and picking that cyclist up on the way, but didn't. I remember the lovely, lovely gas they gave me which made me feel like nothing mattered and that I was floating....
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • lost_in_thought
    lost_in_thought Posts: 10,563
    Have you been in contact with the police at all? It might not be a bad idea.

    And yeah, San Miguel is actually prescribed for memory loss. Whether it's to prevent it or to increase it, I forget..........

  • Agent57
    Agent57 Posts: 2,300
    I got duffed up and left unconscious in a road once. I don't remember anything of that, either. =)
    MTB commuter / 531c commuter / CR1 Team 2009 / RockHopper Pro Disc / 10 mile PB: 25:52 (Jun 2014)
  • crankycrank
    crankycrank Posts: 1,830
    Playing nurse here. You might want to stay away from the beers and alcohol. It may hinder your healing. Alcohol can damage healthy brains as it is. Or better yet, ask your doctor since they might know more about it than someone like myself. :wink: Hope you make a full recovery soon!