Front derrailer problem

conure Posts: 13
edited May 2010 in Road beginners
Hi guys,

Bit of an annoying problem! I got my bike a few days ago and initially when it lowest cog the chain rubbed (slightly) the front derailler, so I took it in and they adjusted it. Now, it is rubbing in the highest cog. Should I take it back or is this pretty standard for a new bike? I've found mixed results regarding this online! Secondly, the bike shop is closed at the weekend, is it alright to ride with it rubbing slightly, I don't want to cause unnecessary damage.

Thank you


  • justresting
    justresting Posts: 292
    Are you ' cross chaining ' i e using the big front chain wheel big rear cog , or small , small ? If so you should avoid these as you are putting the chain line too far out & you can use other gears to replicate ( mind you I suppose the shop will have explained this )
    ' From the sharks in the penthouse,
    to the rats in the basement,
    its not that far '
  • PhilofCas
    PhilofCas Posts: 1,153
    it's not normal no, just needs a tweak, follow this, you should be able to have no rubbing in any gear combo