Clavical dislocation

Justinjured Posts: 142
edited May 2010 in MTB general
Has anyone dislocated their collar bone before? What was your experience of this?

Did this at the weekend and it hasnt been a good experience so far! Its dislocated at the sternum, and a&e were not able to manipulate it back in. That means I have to wait for it to fuse back just as it is, so not sure how long it will take.

all came about from me having too much confidence & not enough ability going over a smallish ramp at speed. before i knew it i had lots of air with my front wheel pointing downwards. by the time i decided to bail out i was landing on my head & shoulder, which then popped by collar bone out.

hate not riding, and my have to take up riding on tarmac for awhile when i can move my arm!

main thing is my bike is allright!


  • Chrissz
    Chrissz Posts: 727
    I did mine years ago (same place i.e. sterno-clavicular) still got a lump there now.

    It took me around 3 weeks before I could ride a bike (MTB) and I still get pain bench pressing and throwing stones/stuff.

    I know your feelings of frustration etc. I broke my wrist last thursday and I'm in for an op to pin it later this week! :(
  • fbmrider
    fbmrider Posts: 3
    Unlucky mate,not a nice injury(if there is such a thing)
    I did a similar thing about 3 years ago resulting in a grade 3 dislocation.Waited 4 weeks for surgery and then about 6 weeks recovery.
    Go and see a physio,they will definately help you to get on the mend much quicker.
  • stu8975
    stu8975 Posts: 1,334
    Not good dude, I had a grade 5 A/C separation couple of years ago, about this time of year, nice..not. Had 12 weeks off the bike..bye bye summer, then managed to snap the wire they used in the first surgery to put me back together pretty much a year later, another 12 weeks off the bike and 2nd summer missed in a row..At least you should be on the bike fairly soon. Your gonna have to get some injury pics up as well :lol:
  • mattbarnes
    mattbarnes Posts: 295
    + 1

    My collar bone is now no longer attached at the shoulder end (my medical term). Apparently, its held on with tendon/muscle fibre/witch-craft but tore it off in the pile-up. Came off my bike and hit the ground like a dart destroying my right shoulder and smashing five ribs. Off work for 6 weeks but suffered for a long time; I couldn't sleep on my right hand side for over 18 months and it still sticks up freakishly through the skin. That was eight years ago.

    The worst part? Ever tried wiping your @r$e with the 'wrong' hand? Pass the soap...
    Society is like a stew. You have to stir things up now and again otherwise the scum will rise to the top.
  • Justinjured
    Justinjured Posts: 142

    Sounds like they are going to leave mine to heal how it is, without resorting to surgery.

    The consultant who tried to ram the bone back in place had done the same thing playing rugby. he said i would have problems with it popping out and back in again. Nice!
    Will find out more at the fracture clinic tomorrow.
    Will definately ask about physio, but not expecting much as it is pretty overloaded i think.(probably with fat inactive people who cant be arsed to get off the sofa, and then moan to their gp that their muscles dont work)

    i will think myself fortunate if i am cycling again by start of july.

    best thing so far? been in too much pain to change my babies nappies!
  • stu8975
    stu8975 Posts: 1,334
    The worst part? Ever tried wiping your @r$e with the 'wrong' hand? Pass the soap...

    I remember it all to well, sod all chance of getting a nice young nursie home help either :wink: ,,,,NUUUURSE!....sounds like a shoulder separation the same as mine...did they not stitch the ligaments (coracaclavicular ligament in my case) back together and stick you in a sling for 8 weeks while it healed?
  • Luke-Dob
    Luke-Dob Posts: 121
    Dislocated both shoulders before as well as separating both, all at a grade 3 separation.

    Was off the bike for around about 7 weeks and still causes me problems today (unable to lift weights, limited range of movement etc), and this was almost 2 years ago.
    6 years riding bikes, 8 broken bones, gravity can be a b**ch
  • Luke-Dob
    Luke-Dob Posts: 121
    Dislocated both shoulders before as well as separating both, all at a grade 3 separation.

    Was off the bike for around about 7 weeks and still causes me problems today (unable to lift weights, limited range of movement etc), and this was almost 2 years ago.
    6 years riding bikes, 8 broken bones, gravity can be a b**ch
  • mattbarnes
    mattbarnes Posts: 295
    After spending 9 hours in casualty (tip: avoid your local A+E on a Sunday morning), I was told by the doctor to return to the fracture clinic the next morning. The staff there gave me the options of
    a) have surgery to have the bone screwed back down into my shoulder and lose 5% of the strength or
    b) leave it alone and lose 10% of the strength in the shoulder.

    I'd only just started a new job two weeks before having the accident and was keen to get back (so was my supervisor) so went for the latter option. The ability to only to 7 press-ups and not my usual 8 hasn't had a massive detramental effect on my life.

    Justinjured - good luck with the recovery and I hope you're back on your bike before the decent weather is all gone.
    best thing so far? been in too much pain to change my babies nappies!

    Its not all bad news then!
    Society is like a stew. You have to stir things up now and again otherwise the scum will rise to the top.
  • Pufftmw
    Pufftmw Posts: 1,941
    mattbarnes wrote:
    + 1

    My collar bone is now no longer attached at the shoulder end (my medical term). Apparently, its held on with tendon/muscle fibre/witch-craft but tore it off in the pile-up. Came off my bike and hit the ground like a dart destroying my right shoulder and smashing five ribs. Off work for 6 weeks but suffered for a long time; I couldn't sleep on my right hand side for over 18 months and it still sticks up freakishly through the skin. That was eight years ago.

    The worst part? Ever tried wiping your @r$e with the 'wrong' hand? Pass the soap...

    Its a sublimated acromioclavicular joint :D

    I did mine some 15 years ago when a car u-turned into me on a motorbike and I landed on my right shoulder. Sling for a couple of weeks. Doctor advised against getting it pinned as he said the wires either would work loose or break over time, leading me back to surgery again and again.

    First few years and it was very sore and I ended up keeping it tensed, which in turn led to sore neck/shoulders. I learned to relax it and now I don't even notice it. It still gives me twinges every now and again. Repetitive movements such as painting can make it ache after a while but generally no impairment.

    Best bit is as a party trick when you invite women to touch your shoulder :D:D
    (OK - maybe that is a bit weird :oops: )
  • largephil
    largephil Posts: 358
    I feel your pain mate! Never dislocated my collar bone but got a pretty good spiral fracture about 18 months ago, ended my rugby that one! Very painful and took about 6 weeks before it was stable. Also as mentioned above, you may get a sore neak and back after you collar bone is fixed, through muscles freezing up (in particular rib muscles on your back). Bit of physio sorted me out though. I hate dislocations, always seem more complicated and harder to recover from than breaks.
  • diamondbacker
    diamondbacker Posts: 224
    Mine went. Left it alone for a good few months but it would'nt settle down and collar bone was floating around and clicking at the shoulder. Damn uncomfortable and painful. I've had a pin and then an artificial ligament put in since and although the movement isn't quite as good it's a hell of a lot more comfortable. Well worth the 12 weeks recuperation imo.