New Evans Cycles Mailshot

x-isle Posts: 794
edited May 2010 in MTB general
:shock: Can't believe that the latest copy of Evan's mailshot has a picture of a (quite pretty) girl riding a bike in a city centre.........what's wrong with that......

NO HELMET! Ok, it would spoil the image and perhaps what they are trying to show, however, I think it's a bad advert.........tutt tutt! :roll:
Craig Rogers


  • Cferg
    Cferg Posts: 347
    Maybe she didnt want to damage her hair :lol:
  • Oh great

    All the titanium cranium free choice clowns will wake up and smell this thread and let loose with their comments about immortality ffs.

    £1.25 for sign up

    Cashback on wiggle,CRC,evans follow the link
  • cgarossi
    cgarossi Posts: 729
    I have no objections to the pretty girl. I also like the fact that magazine title is called 'Ride It!'

    Erm, yes please!
  • nwmlarge
    nwmlarge Posts: 778
    i found it amusing that there were riding tips in there, as if i'd been sitting there not knowing how to ride until they helpfully put it in a catalogue!
  • x-isle
    x-isle Posts: 794
    nwmlarge wrote:
    i found it amusing that there were riding tips in there, as if i'd been sitting there not knowing how to ride until they helpfully put it in a catalogue!

    So you must be the best rider in the world then? :)

    I think it's good that riding tips are given out, there are so many riders out there doing things very wrong.
    Craig Rogers
  • cgarossi
    cgarossi Posts: 729
    I can excuse the cover. Almost. The article is about fashion city bikes. Lets face it, helmets are not fashionable. Anyone who buys a fasionable city bikes are probably more concerned about how good they look rather than how vulnrable their brains are when they smash headlong into a bus.
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Tempted with the Love Hate gloves in the magalogue.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • fletch8928
    fletch8928 Posts: 756
    I too noticed that the city bike riders were lidless. Nevermind, it was for a photo shoot and it doesn't bother me.
    Evens do do safe cycling and in the ride2work bit a helmet is shown in the deals.
    What i did like was the fact that the pair of undershorts resemble a pump. Its either going to make your eyes water or catch the attention of the pretty lady in the mag.
    Above all the other topics, I quite like the format of their "quote" "magalogue"
    fly like a mouse, run like a cushion be the small bookcase!
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,693
    If she's as pretty as you make out,

    I'm sure I'll be able to find a "Helmet" for her...
  • Pufftmw
    Pufftmw Posts: 1,941
    fletch8928 wrote:
    I too noticed that the city bike riders were lidless. Nevermind, it was for a photo shoot and it doesn't bother me.
    Evens do do safe cycling and in the ride2work bit a helmet is shown in the deals.
    What i did like was the fact that the pair of undershorts resemble a pump. Its either going to make your eyes water or catch the attention of the pretty lady in the mag.
    Above all the other topics, I quite like the format of their "quote" "magalogue"

    I was wondering about the shorts too...