Swapping Dura-Ace 7800 chainset for Specialized Carbon chain

ndm8966 Posts: 36
edited May 2010 in Workshop
I have a Dura-Ace 7800 chainset with Dura-Ace cups fitted. I want to fit a compact Specialized Carbon chainset. Is this easy to do? I know the basics but i'm used to dealing with the older bottom brackets and not the newer ones.


  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    I presume you have a BB30 frame?
    I like bikes...

  • ndm8966
    ndm8966 Posts: 36
    Yep I do.
    The cups are fitted already. Like I said I am used to the older style b/bs. Just really after some advice and tips.
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    I'd probably recommend getting the LBS you trust to do it. BB30 bearings are pressfit so if they get fitted wrong you could knacker the bearings quickly and possible damage the bottom bracket of the frame. It's all pretty straight forward what to do, but if you don't have the correct tools or are slightly unsure it's likely worth getting the LBS to do it. You can fit the bearings with a headset press.

    Have a read:

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  • ndm8966
    ndm8966 Posts: 36
    The bottom bracket is fitted as is the dura ace chainset.
    Just want any tips on removing the dura ace and fitting a specialized carbon chainset.Anything to help make the swap go smoothly.
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    ndm8966 wrote:
    The bottom bracket is fitted as is the dura ace chainset.
    Just want any tips on removing the dura ace and fitting a specialized carbon chainset.Anything to help make the swap go smoothly.

    Did you read anything I posted?

    The Specialized Chainset is BB30, the Dura Ace is NOT. So you reckon you have a BB30 frame so you probably have push in BSA thread adapter into which you have HT2 screwed into. So need to remove both the adapter and BB cups before inserting the BB30 bearing.

    TBH mate you sound clueless so you should take it to some one who knows what they are doing, because you sound like you'd probably screw it up.
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  • ndm8966
    ndm8966 Posts: 36
    Ok, let me try this.
    I have a Specialized Roubaix frameset built up with Dura-Ace 7800. The frameset is a couple of years old. All I know is that it has the Quick Step markings on it.
    It has external bottom bracket cups.
    I want to swap the 7800 chainset for a Specialized Carbon Compact chainset.
    As I have tried to explain I am more used to the older style of bottom brackets so I need some help and advice.
    Taking the Dura-Ace chainset off is straight forward. No problem there.
    What would I need to enable me to fit the Specialized chainset? Can I use the existing bracket or would that need to be changed?
    I have build many bikes in the past but am getting back into cycling after a 20 year break. Of course things have moved on loads since the last time I build a bike up. That is why I am asking as I am unsure.
  • moonshine
    moonshine Posts: 1,022
    ndm8966 wrote:
    What would I need to enable me to fit the Specialized chainset? .

    I think you really need your LBS based on what you have said, - alternatively, DIY and take your chance scewing your frame. Your choice
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    ndm8966 wrote:
    What would I need to enable me to fit the Specialized chainset? Can I use the existing bracket or would that need to be changed?

    I'm sorry if my previous post was pretty abrupt, but you seem have ignored my posts about BB30 installation.

    1. I linked to BB30 Installation instructions.
    2. I said you you'd need BB30 bearings.

    Finally I recommend RTFM.
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  • ndm8966
    ndm8966 Posts: 36
    You seemed to ignore the fact that, like i said, although i do know my way around bikes very well i am not used to the new bracket systems.
    I was hoping that the swap would be easy and there would be no need to swap the bottom bracket cups over.From what you have said i have no choice but to swap the bracket over.
    She is too good to mess up so i'm going to let the LBS do it.
  • ndm8966
    ndm8966 Posts: 36
    Sorry if i appear to be thick.
    Will the external cups be ok to keep and i just need new bearings fitted inside?
    Is that right?
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    BB30 bearings are pressfit
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  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    I also wrote this:
    The Specialized Chainset is BB30, the Dura Ace is NOT. So you reckon you have a BB30 frame so you probably have push in BSA thread adapter into which you have HT2 screwed into. So need to remove both the adapter and BB cups before inserting the BB30 bearing.
    I like bikes...

  • Hairyside
    Hairyside Posts: 50
    Hi ndm,

    You have 2 possible scenarios;

    1. Your frame has a conventional sized bottom bracket which is threaded to take the DA cups. If this is the case you won't be able to fit the spesh crankset as they are BB30 and your frame can't take them.

    2. Your frame is BB30 but has an adaptor fitted to take the DA cups. If this is the case you need to have the adaptor removed and new bearings press fitted to take the new crankset. I would advise you to let your LBS do this.

    If you post a pic of your frame / bottom bracket we could probably tell you which of the above applies.
  • ndm8966
    ndm8966 Posts: 36
    God i feel old. Can't work out how to atatch photos to the post.
  • moonshine
    moonshine Posts: 1,022
    info from for sales forum

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    some sites provide code for you to add to your post, or you can copy the images properties and paste that between the img tags provided by the img box above the reply window.

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    that is the properties of the image. now put it between the img tags and you get..
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Surely if you've got both a DA crank set and a Spec one AND a frame set up for BB30
    you've got a few extra dollars to get the job done by someone who knows what they are doing, your LBS. Plus this kind of thing isn't rocket science and you should be able to pretty much deduce for yourself how this would work, seeing as you have everything right there in front of you.