Amazing Liquigas!

Corporate Ascents
Corporate Ascents Posts: 56
edited May 2010 in Pro race
They are going so well at the moment - reminds me of the good old days when Gewiess and Mercatone Uno dominated.....


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    And Saunier Duval in the 2008 TdF!
  • Their training camp in Tenerife has paid dividends!!
  • Doobz
    Doobz Posts: 2,800
    Nibali's performance today was a bit :roll: :roll:

    He looked far too fresh when he crossed that line.. Reminded me a bit of Ricco
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    No way! he's just a super good descender. he showed it last year at the Tour too.
  • Their team TT was awesome!

    Those guys have really been doing the miles in training.
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    Must be their diet- a highly qualified dietitian/nutritionist has clearly been involved.
  • Bernardus
    Bernardus Posts: 136
    In GTs Liquigas always use the same tactic, put that Polish guy in front and wait. I think this was the first time the hard work of Szmyd resulted in a stage victory.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Doobz wrote:
    Nibali's performance today was a bit :roll: :roll:

    He looked far too fresh when he crossed that line.. Reminded me a bit of Ricco

    What drugs make you a better descender then? Does Cera make you more aerodynamic? Do transfusions make you pick out better lines around the bends? Nibali's a known top class descender, especially for a little man. Basso is known to be rubbish (and wasn't chasing) and Evans has always been surprisingly uneasy for an ex MTB rider. Scarponi - don't really know.

    The reasonable explanation for Liquigas's success is the decline of Italian teams. A few years ago there would have been four or five top Italian teams. Now there are just two ProTour teams, and Lampre are in disarray and struggling to pay the bills. So for an Italian who wants to be on an Italian team, Liquigas is the only viable option. So they've unsurprisingly attracted the cream of Italian talent (and a couple of Czech/Slovakian talent - probably a result of having so sort of relationship there).
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Philip S
    Philip S Posts: 398
    They've managed to bag a lot of climbers who are clearly very good time-trialists as well...

    Rare beasts.
  • Langman
    Langman Posts: 178
    Good ride again today