seeing as im sheepsteeth

Anonymous Posts: 79,665
edited May 2010 in The Crudcatcher
i saved a sheep from a collapsed culvert today, seemed the right thing to do. poor little funker had crawled into a culvert which has been collapsed at one end for years,

i parked up ready to meet some of my course students and heard a loud bleating, i very nearly shat myself. i investigated and a sheep had worked its way to the sealed end but couldnt turn round to get back out.

it took about 20 minutes to dig down but the little webbo was terrified and wouldnt leave the pipe as the hole was still pretty small so me and my mate grabbed it's front legs and dragged it out.

it ran straight off to the nearest ewe which was also loudly bleating and running towards the newly released lamb, the both of them very clearly relieved. was a bit gay but satisfying all the same.

here is the sheep sticking its pickle out of the hole we dug



  • tatman69
    tatman69 Posts: 176
    mmmmm just needs mint sauce
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,693
    Whens the wedding, Boyo?

    Good looking bit of totty there, butty...

    Young, too.
  • blister pus
    blister pus Posts: 5,610
    top work that man.

    they are stupidfuckers though sheep.
  • -liam-
    -liam- Posts: 1,831
    Good job you arent Welsh...You might of considered that an opportunity missed :lol:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    That's pretty cool. A proper bloke is not afraid of saving overly cute creatures - a man's got to do what a man's got to do eh?
  • Dan Dare
    Dan Dare Posts: 367
    thumb.jpgDan Dare likes this.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    i was going to title the thread "FAO welshmen" but i thought it would be a bit insulting!

    i couldnt imagine how terrified the poor little bugger must have been and the worst part is that the training area isnt being used again until monday so the little webster would definately have died a cold lonely painful death.

    to make sure i remain straight and not gay (not that theres anything wrong with that for other people of course) i will cook and eat a leg of lamb this weekend as i feel the dead/live sheep karma requires it to happen for the world to remain in balance.
  • D-Cyph3r
    D-Cyph3r Posts: 847
    edited May 2010
    Reminds me of years ago when I left the house for school one morning, the council were digging up the path literally at the end of my garden and for some reason I decided to look down the 4-5ft hole they left that morning. It was winter, barely above freezing and raining and I see this hedgehog curled up in there, up to it's neck in muddy water.

    Obviously I wasn't gonna leave the poor bugger in there so I scoop him out (quick warning, hedgehog spikes HURT), take him inside, stick him in a shoebox with a warm water bottle and a thick towel and wake my mum to tell her to call the RSPCA.... Had to spend the whole day at school with my uniform covered in mud and still got shit from the teacher for being late. :x

    EDIT: It still confuses me why he was there though, I live in the middle of a large council estate thats surrounded by main roads on all sides. :?
  • cat_with_no_tail
    cat_with_no_tail Posts: 12,980
    i will cook and eat a leg of lamb this weekend as i feel the dead/live sheep karma requires it to happen for the world to remain in balance.

    I think it'd be positively rude not to tbh.
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    That's pretty cool. A proper bloke is not afraid of saving overly cute creatures - a man's got to do what a man's got to do eh?
    yeah, to impress the ladies, eh? :wink:
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,693
    My local farmer dropped off a cow and a calf in my field today, It keeps the grass down...

    You're not gonna bury these two as well...are you?
  • tatman69
    tatman69 Posts: 176
    D-Cyph3r wrote:
    Reminds me of years ago when I left the house for school one morning, the council were digging up the path literally at the end of my garden and for some reason I decided to look down the 4-5ft hole they left that morning. It was winter, barely above freezing and raining and I see this hedgehog curled up in there, up to it's neck in muddy water.

    Obviously I wasn't gonna leave the poor bugger in there so I scoop him out (quick warning, hedgehog spikes HURT), take him inside, stick him in a shoebox with a warm water bottle and a thick towel and wake my mum to tell her to call the RSPCA.... Had to spend the whole day at school with my uniform covered in mud and still got shoot from the teacher for being late. :x

    EDIT: It still confuses me why he was there though, I live in the middle of a large council estate thats surrounded by main roads on all sides. :?

    mmmmmmm hedehog and green tomato chutney
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    i will cook and eat a leg of lamb this weekend as i feel the dead/live sheep karma requires it to happen for the world to remain in balance.

    I think it'd be positively rude not to tbh.
    +1. sounds good to me
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Splottboy wrote:
    My local farmer dropped off a cow and a calf in my field today, It keeps the grass down...

    You're not gonna bury these two as well...are you?

    i like diggin holes but burying a cow would be a bit of a task for even my shovel skills!!!

    to be fair, that picture does look like i have buried the sheep!!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    jay12 wrote:
    That's pretty cool. A proper bloke is not afraid of saving overly cute creatures - a man's got to do what a man's got to do eh?
    yeah, to impress the ladies, eh? :wink:

    my hippy vegetarian lesbian mrs was very impressed with my sheep drills, im not certain even my animal heroic would make any other women stupid enough to be impressed by me!!
  • snotty badger
    snotty badger Posts: 1,593
    i will cook and eat a leg of lamb this weekend as i feel the dead/live sheep karma requires it to happen for the world to remain in balance.

    I think it'd be positively rude not to tbh.

    Funniest thing I've heard all day!

    On a ride one day we helped a lamb back into a field- makes you feel a bit warm inside. In a manly way of course. To think I may of eaten that sheep a few months later though... :lol:
    08 Pitch Pro
    14 Kona Unit
    Kona Kula SS
    Trailstar SS
    94 Univega Alpina 5.3
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,693
    Not related to Burke and Hare r u??? LOL!

    I had a similar thing happen years ago, can't even remember where. ( Getting old...)

    Lamb with head stuck in metal mesh fence, cudda been there for days,
    So, had to scare the other concerned sheep away, pull it out, and drop it over a wall.
    Little bugger was very strong, solid and heavy!

    I see em all the time in Gwynedd, and wild goats, calves wandering on the roads.

    Bit different from working in Bishopsgate, EC2!