Had the Mrs over the bars today :)

ads4 Posts: 698
edited May 2010 in The Crudcatcher
Not quite as rude as it sounds gents but had to mention it :)

Persuaded the wife to buy a Spec Myka FSR Comp and she is really loving it. Had a good ride today over our local trails (The Oxdrove) and on a downhill section I shot off and, having moaned at the Mrs all morning to get out of the saddle and stay off the brakes, I was quite surprised to see her on my shoulder for a bit.....until it all went wrong and she wasn't there anymore :( Got to the bottom and looked back, only to hear an "Ads....ouch" being repeated! Fearing the worst (that dinner would be late) I legged it back up the hill to find her all-attangled having applied her breaks a little too enthusiastically and basically gone straight over the top. "I told you to stay off the breaks" was my obvious whitty retort....

She has just started talking to me again.... ;)

Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.

Current ride - Yeti ASR 5a X0


  • Tolk
    Tolk Posts: 775
    I opened this thread expecting pics!

    Hope she's alright though, and you get dinner on time!
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,693
    We went for a walk in Bedgelert forest, stopped for grub, by the river, next to chippy.

    My oldest - 21 - hates wasp/bees and one went for his Magners.

    Tried to get feet out of the picnic bench, got it caught, went butt over tit...backwards!

    Very funny!
  • The Big Cheese
    The Big Cheese Posts: 8,650
    Splottboy wrote:
    We went for a walk in Bedgelert forest, stopped for grub, by the river, next to chippy.

    My oldest - 21 - hates wasp/bees and one went for his Magners.

    Tried to get feet out of the picnic bench, got it caught, went butt over tit...backwards!

    Very funny!

    I too HATE bees and wasps, well wasps, bees are normally OK, I have been seen running around pub tables in the summer like a big girl and Im a lot older than him LOL
  • El Capitano
    El Capitano Posts: 6,400
    Mrs C will bring home bees that are exhausted, in her hand, feed them sugar water, before letting them fly off. I have been known to stroke the big fat 'bumble' ones. :D

    Home your Mrs is okay. If she's too badly injured to make you dinner, there's always the takeway...