Sportives in or near New York City?

ashnbecs Posts: 17
I have to go to New York a couple of times a year. Fortuately I can pretty much choose when I go so I thought I'd take my bike and try to conicide a trip with a local sportive. A brief look on the web didn't throw up any sites as informative as those we have here telling us when rides are coming up.

Does anybody know of any rides or websites I could have a look at?




  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    Listen to Radio 5 Live on weekends, about 1 am

    Dotun Adybayo - sorry for the spelling! - has a New York link, with a New York taxi driver, called "The Gabby Cabby."

    Gabby knows just about everything bout the Big Apple, and is always answering UK questions about, places to stay, things to do etc.

    You can text/phone Dotun and maybe get some advice.

    Last time I was in NY was at JFK waiting for a connection to Dallas. Whole airport started rumbbling, and then Concorde took off. Amazing!

    Good luck.
  • bikergirl17
    bikergirl17 Posts: 344
    Nycc (the new York cycling club) runs "escape from new York" in September. Check out their web site. They also have tons of weekly rides; you do need to be a member to see the list -- but I'm sure if you post on the MSG board some one will help you out.

    There's also a century to the hamptons, which is usually in the spring, and the 5bcc (5 borough cycle challenge), which I recall is also spring.

    There's one other fall ride think may be the ms challenge -- but it gets lots of families and newbies so basically you go 2 mph.

    further afield, there used to be a multi day ride through the finger lakes back to the city. someone on has to know.

    Info on the racing scene - crca -- can be found on nyvelocity.

    And if you just want a crazy hard pick up ride, google for the "gimbels" ride.
  • ashnbecs
    ashnbecs Posts: 17
    Thanks for that.
    I quite fancy that Gimbels ride - sound slike quite an institution.
  • goodson
    goodson Posts: 12
    check out , looks like a good way to see nyc.
  • bikergirl17
    bikergirl17 Posts: 344
    that's the one that you need to start very very early if you plan to go more than 3 miles per hour. it is considered a 'fun ride', more along the lines of a london to brighton than an uk-type sportive. most of the nyc-based group rides aren't timed; there are few more sportive- like rides in the midwest and west (e.g., ride the rockies, a race up mt evans, the dairy land dare...) and in california.

    if you are in ny in september, i highly recommend doing escape from ny over the one listed above if you want more of a sportive experience -- although will caveat that it still attracts more of a leisurely cyclist crowd than guys training for l'etape types (e.g., the 100 miles does only 5,000 feet of climbing). that said, i see that ellen, who is the main organizer, has managed to snag rapha as a sponsor this year (and don't get me started on having tom cat and h&h supply food ... you will eat well).
  • ashnbecs
    ashnbecs Posts: 17
    Thanks guys I like the sound of both those rides - although may have to save the escape from new york for next year as I seem to have committed myself to riding in the alps that week end.

    Fantastically helpful, much appreciated.
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    I did one north of new york, actually quite a bit north :D I stayed in Atitash
    and did a 100 mikle sportive round Mt Washington.
    Nice ride, great food but not even as well organised as Uk vents, no timing, no resluts etc but still a nice ride.