Rockshox Reba SL rebound Adjuster - it's fallen out!

Posts: 59
At least I think that's what it's called. The 'manual' has been sod all help!
I've got a brand new Cube Ltd Race and I noticed last night when I went to get the bike out of the garage that the bright red adjuster on the bottom of the right fork had fallen out. I bunged it back in, but the fork is now constantly 'on' and the poploc doesn't work (dial on the top turns though). I'll be heading back to the lbs tomorrow but wondered whether there was a quick fix to save me a trip.
I've got a brand new Cube Ltd Race and I noticed last night when I went to get the bike out of the garage that the bright red adjuster on the bottom of the right fork had fallen out. I bunged it back in, but the fork is now constantly 'on' and the poploc doesn't work (dial on the top turns though). I'll be heading back to the lbs tomorrow but wondered whether there was a quick fix to save me a trip.
Boardman Team Carbon
Cube LTD Race
Knackered old Mountain Bike of indeterminate origin.
Cube LTD Race
Knackered old Mountain Bike of indeterminate origin.
That does your rebound speed.
You've either knocked it or it's just bust. LBS is your only and best option.0 -
I don't think the rebound adjuster falling out should have that effect. By the fork being constantly 'on' I take it you mean suspended? If so, quick check is to make sure the oil is right through the damper, pump it up and down a few times, then try the lockout again.
I suppose the other thing (and I'm guessing here) is that the oil from the damper has leaked out of the bottom, in which case it wouldn't work at all. Does it feel like it's just acting on the spring? Did you see oil everywhere?Rock Lobster 853, Trek 1200 and a very old, tired and loved Apollo Javelin.0 -
cheers, no oil and it seems to be ok in that it's responding well when I'm on the trail. It's quite noisy though - not sure if that's normal. It makes quite a loud 'tshh' sound when you drop off the kerb for example.
I've tried pumping it a few times and that doesn't seem to make any difference to the lockout.
Sounds like a trip to the lbs will be in order.Boardman Team Carbon
Cube LTD Race
Knackered old Mountain Bike of indeterminate origin.0 -
That adjuster is just an allen key, makes no difference to the forks whether it's in or not.
Just obviously easier to adjust if it's in.I don't do smileys.
There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda
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Parktools0 -
Ok sounds like the adjuster fell out, it is supposed to come out with a tug anyway so no biggy.
Locklout not working can be a number of things, floodgate not fully on, poplock not adjusted properly or as said above the oil has leaked from the rebound circuit into the lower right leg. This last one is a common fault of TS forks (there's a bigger description of it in the FAQs). The only easy way to tell if it's the last one is to let the air out of the positive spring chamber and compress the forks. If you still got a significant amount of stanchion showing, i.e. 25mm or more) you've got a problem.
As the bike is brand new back to where you bought as the forks should be under warranty.It's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.
I've bought a new bike....ouch - result
Can I buy a new bike?...No - no result0 -
yep, it's definitely going back. On my way home from work the handlebars spun loose and almost sent me flying into the trees! Managed to tighten it back up but I got a bit of a fright.Starting to worry that something else could go wrong now!Boardman Team Carbon
Cube LTD Race
Knackered old Mountain Bike of indeterminate origin.0