Pork Pies and Potholes July 4th

Mike67 Posts: 585
I'm aiming to do my first 100 (in fact first Sportive) this year and was looking at the Pork pies and potholes event.

Has anyone ridden this event? Got any experiences to share? Advice on the severity of the course etc.

It mentions off road sections...I was just wondering how rough these are.
Would it need proper off road/cyclocross tyres or something less substantial?
I see most of the course is on road so would be hard work on 'cross tyres.

I have a cross bike and a road bike so could use either.

The Sheffield 100 is the same day but that's all on road...I quite fancy mixing in a bit of off road stuff :D
Mike B

Cannondale CAAD9
Kinesis Pro 5 cross bike
Lots of bits


  • Mike67
    Mike67 Posts: 585

    Guess I'll be riding round on my lonesome.... :cry:
    Mike B

    Cannondale CAAD9
    Kinesis Pro 5 cross bike
    Lots of bits
  • ashbyalien
    ashbyalien Posts: 609
    Hi there,

    I have done it before, it's a fun course. The off road sections are bridlepath stuff, rockyish but not technical. I'll be using my road bike with evo cg 24's. Last time i used vittoria paris roubaix tubs and ripped a chunk out of the tyre.....I dont think there's any need for cross tyres unless it's wet. The sectors arent really long.

    Hope this helps. Say hello if you see a milram helmet on a de rosa!
  • Mike67
    Mike67 Posts: 585
    Thanks for the advice ashbyalien.
    Must be a good event if you're going back for more.

    I put my entry in last week but was beginning to wonder if anyone else was going to turn up :D

    I might get some slightly fatter road tyres than my conti 23s from what you suggest. Purely for the good of the bike of course.

    I'll say hello if I see you.
    I'll most likely be on a CAAD9 probably wearing Matlock CC kit (unless it's wet then it'll be a bright yellow waterproof :(
    Mike B

    Cannondale CAAD9
    Kinesis Pro 5 cross bike
    Lots of bits
  • ashbyalien
    ashbyalien Posts: 609
    I'll look out for you.

    Sturdy is the name of the game for tyres, judging by how many puncture victims I passed.

    Are you doing the 180km or 100km? I'm doing "just" the 100k. It's my treat instead of doing mountain mayhem.

  • Mike67
    Mike67 Posts: 585
    Fool that I am I've entered the 180km. I'm getting sponsored too so no turning back now.
    Might regret that on the day though...and many days afterwards too :?

    Yeah, I must get some tough tyres...I was looking at Schwalbe Duranos in a 25, they seem to fit the bill.
    Good cross between speed and decent puncture protection.
    Mike B

    Cannondale CAAD9
    Kinesis Pro 5 cross bike
    Lots of bits