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  • armymankin
    armymankin Posts: 213
    i'll admit the first ride on it i thought 'What the #### have i done buyuing this saddle' but after a couple of rides it was remarkably comfy, granted over the 2 hour mark you started to look for a concrete wall to sit on for some additional comfort but other than that it was nice!
    although! with it being on a carbon frame, with a carbon post etc. some of the small bumps you hadnt noticed Did feel like what i imagine it would if one was being fisted! :shock: :shock: :shock: :P

    really dont find it convining. seriously... go mountain biking even for 2 hours on that ?!?!

    carbon fibre doesn't flex ( or really tiny tiny bit), does it? and with absolutely zero padding... almost like a punishment mate 8) 8) :lol:
  • allthegearnoidea
    allthegearnoidea Posts: 4,077
    i will concede to the last month of its life to adding a cover cut out of my old wetsuit to add a Little comfort!!
    but yes it did flex, you could quite easily squeeze it from the back edges to flex, but then it did only weight 130g!! really wasnt a lot too it! ti rails and carbon shel of a saddle! :wink:
    After all, I am Cornish!
    Cotic Soul, The bike of Legends!:wink: Yes, I Am a bike tart! ... 1#16297481