RPCC - 15 or 16 May

Another weekend, another RPCC ride... usual rules would apply:
    Anyone is welcome to attend Will average somewhere between 16-18 mph No one gets dropped and we'll regroup at the top of hills Tea and cake stop - probably at the top of Box Hill
I can do either Saturday or Sunday, with a slight preference for Saturday and getting out early again.

In terms of route I'd be interested in something like last weekend - 65 miles / 110 km and 4 or 5 decent climbs

What are other people's plans / preferences?


  • Berns12
    Berns12 Posts: 198
    Saturday at 8 is good for me. Looking forward to hopefully no drizzle and wet feet unlike last weekend!
  • morph
    morph Posts: 63
    Saturday at 8 is good for me - like Berns looking forward to a drier warmer one, we weren't warm when we got to Box hill last time!

    110km 4 or 5 climbs sounds good. I may not be swift but I need the practice with the Pearson 150 the following weekend...
  • gniz80
    gniz80 Posts: 25
    You might see me out again Will but Ill be probably be riding solo and quite hard as I have the Pearson 150 on the following weekend. Looking forward to getting in some good rides with you this season.

    ps: James, if your in need of some new wheels mate try out the following link, i think they have some decent sales on this moment. Mavic Aksium Pair £134
    http://www.merlincycles.co.uk/mountain- ... lo-wheels/

  • tyskie
    tyskie Posts: 252
    Can't make it this weekend but see you all soon. Have a good one.
  • Fuji Mackers
    Fuji Mackers Posts: 122
    Hi chaps - I may join you guys tomorrow if I can get up in time for the 8am start.

    Haven't done a RPCC run in ages.
  • london-red
    london-red Posts: 1,266
    No show for me as well I'm afraid - I'm on baby sitting duties. To be honest, I could do with a break anyway. Worked out today that I've ridden 180 miles with 9,500ft of climbing in the last week (including Sunday's ride).

    I think I bonked on tonight's commute :lol:

    Enjoy the ride!
  • Esoteric80
    Esoteric80 Posts: 84
    Yeh will see you at 8am tomorrow... pretty pissed now so maybe slooooow on the hills but will make it up on the flats!

    Greg. Thanks for the link. Got my Reynolds sorted so am OK. Hope to see you out and if I do will be sure to catch your wheel as you pass! :D
  • Mark73
    Mark73 Posts: 146
    Hi guys - A rare weekend off for me, so I was hoping to head out tomorrow (Sunday). Not sure if you went out for the ride today? If so never mind, hopefully see you soon. If not would be well up for a ride tomorrow.
  • thebongolian
    thebongolian Posts: 333
    Hi Mark, sorry you couldn't make it yesterday for what was an excellent ride (thanks everyone). Hope you made it out today and dodged the showers - hope to see you out at the RPCC soon.

    Btw, yesterday's Garmin log for those who are interested or don't have their own:

  • Fuji Mackers
    Fuji Mackers Posts: 122
    Thanks for the ride guys. Really enjoyable, and good to see everyone again. Also had some good couch time watching the Giro - hell that looked tough, and I'm glad there isnt any strade bianche near here!
  • Mark73
    Mark73 Posts: 146
    Thanks Bongolian. Good to hear from you mate and thanks for the route.

    Shame to miss you guys on Saturday. sounded like a top ride. I have definitely been keeping an eye on the threads but work and baby commitments are making it a bit of a nightmare at the mo'. Made it out for a lovely ride into Surrey today though 75 miles all in and a really good pace too. Legs are definitely feeling it, but a great ride.

    Will definitely head out again on an RPCC jaunt as soon as I can. I miss 'em.

    Thanks again and see you soon.
  • johnny2legs
    johnny2legs Posts: 98
    Hi are you guys heading out again this weekend?
  • thebongolian
    thebongolian Posts: 333
    Johnny - some of us will certainly be out. A new post will probably go up tomorrow Thursday and will post a link in this thread too.
  • london-red
    london-red Posts: 1,266
    I'm up for an early spin on Saturday morning, but will have to be back reasonably sharpish so may well split the group if everyone else I'd up for a longer one...

    I'll start a new thread