Cycling in work clothes

Emmett52 Posts: 3
edited May 2010 in Commuting chat
Hi all, cycling newbie here :) (just realised i had this posted in workshop by mistake :roll: )

I've recently decided to buy a bike (Hybrid Giant CRS 3.0 2010, im picking it up tomorrow) for my commute to work which is 3.5 miles each way, with some steep inclines in last mile of commute to work. im planning on cycling my commute on saturday (im not working) to see how it goes

I currently walk this commute dailly and also play an hour of footbal (soccer) 3 x a week for an hour so I feel I have a reasonable standard of fitness

Question is, how feasible is it to cycle to work each day in my work clothes? (our work has a smart casual policy, ie shirt, no tie) I plan on showering each morn before setting off as we have no shower facilities in our workplace,

any one here do this, or do you all take work clothes with you (or leave clothes at work) and change at work?

Ive been reading this forum for a week or so now, and im excited about catching the cycling bug (i'm already planning to buy a road bike in next years cycle2work scheme!!)

Many Thanks for any responses! :D


  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    It`s totally feasible, you should be able to do it without breaking sweat.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • davis
    davis Posts: 2,506
    3.5 miles is doable without producing a bucket of sweat, it really isn't far, as you know.

    You should be ok, take it easy on the way in.

    But, yes, it's always easiest to leave as much as possible at work. You may wish to consider panniers full of clothes on Monday, and taking them home on Friday, but it really isn't helped by lack of showers.

    Good luck!
    Sometimes parts break. Sometimes you crash. Sometimes it’s your fault.
  • roger_merriman
    roger_merriman Posts: 6,165
    I ride between 9 and 10 mile round trip to work, very easy to end up non sweaty.

    just pop the bike into low gears for the steep hills.
  • zrazzle
    zrazzle Posts: 79
    Kinda makes it more fun cycling in something more comfortable though? I just leave stuff at work and get changed in the toilet.
  • roger_merriman
    roger_merriman Posts: 6,165
    zrazzle wrote:
    Kinda makes it more fun cycling in something more comfortable though? I just leave stuff at work and get changed in the toilet.

    why bother changing if you don't have to? over a short commute that adds quite a lot of time.
  • nich
    nich Posts: 888
    I wouldn't cycle in me work clothes, unless I could wear shorts :)

    Everyday, without fail, I end up with a ton of grease on my legs and a few bruises 'n scrapes. My work trousers would be shredded in no time :P
  • roger_merriman
    roger_merriman Posts: 6,165
    nich wrote:
    I wouldn't cycle in me work clothes, unless I could wear shorts :)

    Everyday, without fail, I end up with a ton of grease on my legs and a few bruises 'n scrapes. My work trousers would be shredded in no time :P

    mudguards? my trousers stay clean what ever the weather, no oil thats for sure.

    my job is smart/casual so no suit, but even so I'm not covered in mud and oil by time I arrive.
  • zrazzle
    zrazzle Posts: 79
    takes literally 3 mins to change! If it was up to me i'd wear shorts every day anyway so maybe its just an excuse to wear shorts for a bit. Quite like bowling round the office in shorts and vest too.

    Anyway, my commute is about 6 miles now.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    I ride between 9 and 10 mile round trip to work, very easy to end up non sweaty.

    just pop the bike into low gears for the steep hills.

    Steep hills? In London? Depends on what you call steep but you'd have to be reasonably fit around here to get up the steeper hills in any gear without braking a sweat. Really depends on what the OP counts as a steep hill......
    Faster than a tent.......
  • Cafewanda
    Cafewanda Posts: 2,788
    Rolf F my lungs/legs asked me to let you know London does have steep hills: Balham Hill and Cedars Road are two of them :lol:

    Lord help me if I ever encounter 'proper' hills :shock:

    Emmett, glad you are already thinking about the next bike - good man. :)
  • DaveHudson
    DaveHudson Posts: 290
    I do 7.5 miles either way every day, I work on a rota basis so I don't do a standard mon-fri week but at the beginning of my "week" I take a backpack with my clothes in for the week (retail work in a dirty enviroment working so 1 pair of jeans and three t-shirts) then take it home with me on the last day.

    We have a washing machine at work so I guess I could leave everything at work and wash there?

    The extra weight adds about 6-7 minutes to the commute but is so much nicer on the days I don't take it.

    I wouldn't say I really get sweaty on the way either, Keep up a good speed and the wind cools you down. A quick freshen up when I get to work and I'm ready to take the abuse from customers.
  • RufusA
    RufusA Posts: 500
    I'd say it is feasible, but not recommended.

    FWIW when I started cycle commuting I used to cycle 3 - 4 miles to the station each day.

    With a gentle pace, and coolish weather, freshness wasn't a problem, but in the summer time, when you get the blood pounding in the ears chasing down someone who's overtaken you, you become a ball of dripping sweat. It will happen, and there is nothing you can do to stop it once the testosterone takes over.

    After I'd ruined two pairs of work trousers (one to oil, the other to a chain/turn-up incident), split the soles of my leather shoes, and stained three good shirts (grime and sweat), enough was enough.

    I now cycle in baggy shorts, a merino top and cycle shoes. Use an eagle creek pack-it folder to carry my work clothes without creasing. When I get to work a swift damp wipe, roll-on deoderant and change of clothes in the toilets and I'm good to go. If it rains I laugh and cycle a little harder secure in the knowledge that my work clothes are dry!

    In the long run it's saved me a fortune and restored household harmony with SWMBO.

    HTH - Rufus.
  • Fireblade96
    Fireblade96 Posts: 1,123
    Emmett52 wrote: feasible is it to cycle to work each day in my work clothes?...

    See below:

    I used to cycle that sort of distance to work every day, in work clothes, no problems at all. Just take it easy on the way in, and then ride fast on the way home when it doesn't matter so much that you get all sweaty. :lol:
    Misguided Idealist
  • Sailorchick
    Sailorchick Posts: 202
    I must sweat lots then! My commute is 3.5 miles with the last mile or so up hill (I cross a river valley so down then up on my commute)

    There is no way I could ride in work clothes as I have to have a shower at work. Maybe I should learn to ride slower (I'm not exactly fast as it is!). I'm always a sweaty mess when I get to work. Thankfully have a shower and room to dry/store kit.
  • nyanza
    nyanza Posts: 68
    I do the same distance daily, with the same office dress code. I cycle in an old t-shirt and then change into a shirt in my bag. It all adds at least 30 seconds to my routine...
    Cycling in work trousers has never been a problem since I invested 3 quid in clips.

    The real problem is the rain, but as it's only 3.5 miles small and simple packaway waterproofs (Regatta) worn directly over the top of normal clothes do the job fine. (Anything more than about 5 miles and things get a bit sweaty.)
  • londonbairn
    londonbairn Posts: 316
    I see a few people on their bromptons in their work gear, also seen some guys in shorts with shirt/suit top :P
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Cafewanda wrote:
    Rolf F my lungs/legs asked me to let you know London does have steep hills: Balham Hill and Cedars Road are two of them :lol:

    Can you please let your lungs/legs know that they are daft!!
    Faster than a tent.......
  • The Rookie
    The Rookie Posts: 27,812
    I do 7.5 miles each way, I used to do 3.5 when I started as a 'half commute', while I don't get very sweaty in the right gear, I think I would in trousers and shirt, it only takes me 2 minutes to change into trousers and shirt I keep in my desk.

    I'd say change, but if you take it easy and use the right gear you should be able to cycle in your work clothes.

    Currently riding a Whyte T130C, X0 drivetrain, Magura Trail brakes converted to mixed wheel size (homebuilt wheels) with 140mm Fox 34 Rhythm and RP23 suspension. 12.2Kg.
  • Emmett52
    Emmett52 Posts: 3
    Thanks for all the replies! Got my bike there, felt like a kid again cycling the short distance home, cant wait til I get it out for a distance cycle! Think i'll eventually resort to this below. Question tho, what are clips?
    nyanza wrote:
    I do the same distance daily, with the same office dress code. I cycle in an old t-shirt and then change into a shirt in my bag. It all adds at least 30 seconds to my routine...
    Cycling in work trousers has never been a problem since I invested 3 quid in clips.
  • laughingboy
    laughingboy Posts: 248
    Emmett52 wrote:
    Question tho, what are clips?
    nyanza wrote:
    I do the same distance daily, with the same office dress code. I cycle in an old t-shirt and then change into a shirt in my bag. It all adds at least 30 seconds to my routine...
    Cycling in work trousers has never been a problem since I invested 3 quid in clips.

    Trouser clips. These things
  • roger_merriman
    roger_merriman Posts: 6,165
    Rolf F wrote:
    I ride between 9 and 10 mile round trip to work, very easy to end up non sweaty.

    just pop the bike into low gears for the steep hills.

    Steep hills? In London? Depends on what you call steep but you'd have to be reasonably fit around here to get up the steeper hills in any gear without braking a sweat. Really depends on what the OP counts as a steep hill......

    OP mentioned steep hills well inclines, dunno where he/she is though.

    though yes london is lacking any proper steep hills most are minor rises, my folks local hill is half mile with 500ft climb which is fun! ;-)
  • andy83
    andy83 Posts: 1,558
    I couldnt do it, i sweat a fair bit
    im lucky as have showers at work and just leave a load of clothes there and take them home when dirty

    id go for the option of dropping clothes off monday and taking home friday