Midland Monster 100 mile GPS download problems ?

GregC Posts: 65
Has anyone managed to download the 100 mile route from the website ? When I click on the download I get a page of computer language (which Google says is Polish and can translate !!) .
Can anyone help please ?


  • pmannion9
    pmannion9 Posts: 286
    You should be able to "SAve As" option under the File menu in your browser.
    THen save as .GPX

    Hope you enjoyed the ride.
    It was a cracking day out..

    Anyone record route on their Garmin?
    My battery ran out !!!
  • clanton
    clanton Posts: 1,289
    Don't have a GPS unfortunately but I would be very curious to know how much total ascent was involved - a few very stiff climbs in the middle there!
  • pmannion9
    pmannion9 Posts: 286
    My Garmin ran out of battery but found this on search :


    7,112ft - thats over 2,000m.

    A bit more than advertised.
    Then again GPS is not very accurate with elevation...
  • clanton
    clanton Posts: 1,289
    Ave hr 137 - he wasn't trying very hard! ;-) Pretty respectable time though.