What Would You Do?

Pross Posts: 43,448
edited May 2010 in Commuting chat
I'm really enjoying my commute to work on the bike and in general the route is about as good as you could wish having to go through two "cities". Newport is quiet at both ends of the day and Cardiff in general seems pretty good at present with the bit in between being a lovely rural road with low traffic flows. My only problem is this junction http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=rover+way+cardiff&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=15.089889,35.551758&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Rover+Way,+Cardiff,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.493482,-3.144869&spn=0.000969,0.00217&t=h&z=19 on my way home where I have to turn right which involves getting across 3 lanes of traffic going straight ahead (and trying to beat the next set of lights!) just to get to the right turn lane. It's only 30mph but finding a suitable gap to cross lanes is difficult. I've only done it once so far and will be doing it again tonight, I'm pretty confident when cycling and have years of experience but this junction bothers me a bit. Am I best just signalling positively and hoping drivers let me turn or getting off and using the pedestrian crossing before remounting on the other side?


  • lost_in_thought
    lost_in_thought Posts: 10,563
    Signalling positively is the way forward. If it's only a 30 limit you should be fine. Be assertive! I have a similar 3-lane-crossing section of road on my commute, and I just stick my whole arm out and go for it. Lots of shoulder-checking, remember people aren't out to get you. Be a bit pushy if you need to.

    Getting off and walking is basically admitting defeat.
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    id go to burger king personally.

    hope this helps
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,714
    I'd just get myself up to 30... ;)

    Really though, people are going to be expecting traffic moving across. Start the move early so that you don't end up crossing 3 lanes in one go, signal very clearly and make sure you look around a lot, and you'll probably be surprised at how often people let you across.
  • kelsen
    kelsen Posts: 2,003
    Not ideal, but you could move over to the right early and hug the right hand side before the road splits into 3 lanes.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,448
    Cheers, will try it again tonight as it was fine last time which may or may not have been luck. The alterative is to turn left and then do a u turn to go straight across the junction on a green light but don't want to add time to my trip, speed is everything :wink: Knocked 7 minutes off my time coming in this morning so well pleased - now only taking 10 or 15 minutes longer than the car journey. :D
  • if you are in doubt - and since you are on the ground and the only person (so far) able to make an informed judgement - get off and walk.
  • benno68
    benno68 Posts: 1,689
    Hey Pross - yes it's a nasty one. Although the speed limit is 30, in general free flowing traffic is doing 40mph plus which isn't ideal for us lot.

    I'd try to get into the outside lane early at the previous set of traffic lights with the junction of Dominions Way, this is one where you should hope for a red light to make your move a bit easier. Once you're in the outside lane you are king - unless some chav in a suped up Clio thinks otherwise, or occasionally the odd grandad that hasn't had an eye test since his early 20's.

    Like others have said, be assertive. Make your intentions clear and usually, someone will let you out, at least that's my experience of cycling in Cardiff.

    You could always just go straight on and enjoy going up Rumney Hill and along the A48 :D

    Pinarello Dogma 2 (ex Team SKY) 2012
    Cube Agree GTC Ultegra 2012
    Giant Defy 105 2009
  • shouldbeinbed
    shouldbeinbed Posts: 2,660
    grimpy looking junction, be postive and signal clearly. Is that the worlds biggest burger king next to it? :shock:
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    @Pross - I'm with Benno. Tried to get into the outside lane earlier. I'm not keen on Newport Road in a car, but never tried it on a bike. It's a bit like a road close to my office - two lanes and traffic tends to get some speed up, so my approach varies depending on the amount of traffic.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,448
    Thanks for the advice all. I did what Benno suggested in the end and it was fine.

    Unfortunately I then almost got myself killed at the next junction - pushed hard to get out in a gap at the roundabout, went to clip in and my pedal was upside down. My foot slipped off and back into my rear wheel. I almost lost it in the middle of the junction but managed to stay upright and escaped with a bruised arse and swollen finger :oops: To add insult to injury I then had a flat within the next mile (probably related but not sure) and when I went to use my previously unused pump I found it wouldn't seal on the valve. Fortunately after being ignored by one passing roadie a group of three past me and stopped to lend me a hand so very grateful if any of you are on here. Added 30 minutes to my trip and put me in the bad books with the missus who had to miss going to the gym as a result :oops: