racing with painkillers???

Langman Posts: 178
edited June 2010 in Amateur race
Do people ever race and take pain killers like paracetamol or asprin as a way of dulling the pain of lactic acid - does it work?


  • Thick Tester
    Thick Tester Posts: 380
    Pedal harder and chew on the stem lameboy....
    You'll feel better for it
  • Buckled_Rims
    Buckled_Rims Posts: 1,648
    Not in cycling, but in Athletics years ago this was done when I was running. I don't know how legal it was.

    I think there was 2 theories, 1. It dulled the pain and 2. it thinned the blood.

    Painkillers don't seem to work with me. Paracetamol makes me sick, I think it's the stuff they add do to it to make you vomit if you take too many. Only ibuprofen cream seems to work on my joint/muscle pain.

    The possibilities of extra injuries due to increased stretches and strains should also be mentioned.
    Kona Jake the Snake
    Merlin Malt 4
  • Ibuprofen...and yes , it works.Dulls the pain a treat. :lol:

    Southampton FC take them before a game also......... :wink:
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,135
    Strangely most painkillers don't seem to appear on the WADA banned list! :?
  • phil s
    phil s Posts: 1,128
    Man up
    -- Dirk Hofman Motorhomes --
  • muchalls
    muchalls Posts: 87
    Stick with paracetamol, you run the risk of gastric bleeding if you take Ibuprofen.
    Better yet, as above, take a HUP [1]

    [1] Harden up pill
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,217
    I've done it once on an XC race but not for lactic acid pain (I don't push myself that hard :wink: )

    My knee was hurting quite a lot when I got up in the morning so took some Ibuprofen rather than dropping out. Seemed to help - pain was still there but manageable.

    It does irritate your stomach though like muchalls says so if you feel sick when pushing yourself anyway it's probably best avoided.
  • rjsmith
    rjsmith Posts: 1,924
    Isn't there an issue of taking ibuprofen if you are asthmatic at all? I'm no doctor but think you should not do it.
  • muchalls
    muchalls Posts: 87
    Asthmatics can take Ibuprofen, however for a small number it may exacerbate their asthma.
    Most are fine however,
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    muchalls wrote:
    Stick with paracetamol, you run the risk of gastric bleeding if you take Ibuprofen.

    Isn't it the other way around? Pretty sure Ibuprofen is easier on the system then paracetamol - as the kidneys struggle to break paracetamol down?
  • muchalls
    muchalls Posts: 87
    Nope, Paracetamol is metabolised in the liver, hence why an overdose of Paracetamol is a bad idea- after a few days your liver packs up.
    Ibuprofen can cause gastric irritation/ ulceration, and in high doses or in people with impaired kidney function it can also stuff up your kidneys.
  • sparan
    sparan Posts: 39
    I thought that Ibuprofen thins the blood, which isn't a good thing...I don't think.
    I took it once before just a club-training and had a very high heart rate throughout the training, I think I averaged around 180bpm and on several sprints/faster sections I had a heart rate of 200+ bpm.
    I used to play rugby and yes it does help with pain, I would happily and easily take some (usually around 1.5 or 2 times the recommended dosage, it has a weak effect on me) before a game and have no problems, it certainly helped with the pain.
    I guess it depends on how your body reacts to it and if the side-effects are worth the pain relief. Also, not sure about the legality of it...
  • fuzzynavel
    fuzzynavel Posts: 718
    muchalls wrote:
    Nope, Paracetamol is metabolised in the liver, hence why an overdose of Paracetamol is a bad idea- after a few days your liver packs up.
    Ibuprofen can cause gastric irritation/ ulceration, and in high doses or in people with impaired kidney function it can also stuff up your kidneys.

    I take about 1200mg Ibuprofen per day....have done for about the last 8-10 years....Not for fun, but, because I have Psoriatic Arthritis. (also take sulphasalazine twice daily)....It just dulls the pain enough to carry on with everyday life without too much discomfort.
    Like any drug...when properly controlled there should be few problems unless you have a bad reaction. I am monitored with monthly blood checks and will be for, probably, the rest of my life! Thankfully I seem to have quite a strong stomach/digestive system and there have been no issues.
    I am not looking for sympathy but there are two sides to every argument....I may be an exception to the rule so don't go too mad on the painkillers as they can do irreparable damage!!
    17 Stone down to 12.5 now raring to get back on the bike!