sram x9 or x7

armymankin Posts: 213
edited May 2010 in MTB buying advice
sure I am not the first to ask, so sorry if i repeated the question.

I am running a 8 speed at the rear (with the good old sx5), looking for upgrade. rear derailleur and shifter

i notice the 2010 sram x7, x9, x0 all capable to run 10speed. so i am keen to change.
x0 would be perfect just but it is also far to expensive.
so if i were to pick between x9 or x7, which shall i go for? or shall i mix and match? is x9 worth that little bit extra cash? are there noticeable different?
or shall i jsut stick with sx5, but change the shifter, so i can go 9 speed.

also i like the shifter indicator so i can see what gear i am on or am i running out, but i think all the high-end shifers are getting rid of that, would that be irretating when you in the middle of a long climb?



  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    so you are looking to upgrade the whole drivetrain?

    what is your budget for all the parts?

    and yes the higher levels do not have an indicator as it is not needed.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • armymankin
    armymankin Posts: 213
    i would try to stay within the £100 margin. i notice the x9 shifter + dera. would gone over £100 slightly... so i am not sure if it is worth doing.

    btw, how would i know if my current dera (the sx5) weither capable for 9 speed?
  • armymankin
    armymankin Posts: 213
    nicklouse wrote:
    the higher levels do not have an indicator as it is not needed.

    maybe a dumb question, but why its not needed? you have have to remember what gear you r on then...
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Some people know what gear they are in automatically.

    You need a new cassette too. And chain. And maybe chainset.
  • Oxygen Thief
    Oxygen Thief Posts: 649
    I know what gear i'm in and I've only been back biking a week. Easy
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,787
    you change gear when you feel you need to, the indicators are fairly pointless imo, just tell you which one you're in, obviously, which shouldn't really infulence you're shifting

    incidently when is all the 10 speed stuff being released?
  • armymankin
    armymankin Posts: 213
    supersonic wrote:
    Some people know what gear they are in automatically.

    You need a new cassette too. And chain. And maybe chainset.

    um, maybe i m too rely on the indicator, sometime i didnt notice I am running out of gears till i look at it. then it is a big jump to shifter to a smaller chain ring.

    yes the cassette and chain are obviously need to change as well, but a 9speed shifter and dera would be a start.

    so....any big different between x9 / x7 ?

    ps., i am now runing a slx double in front

  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 4,909
    The X9 shifers are nicer than the X7 but if your budget is tight then get the X9 shifters with X7 deraillear
  • armymankin
    armymankin Posts: 213
    peter413 wrote:
    The X9 shifers are nicer than the X7 but if your budget is tight then get the X9 shifters with X7 deraillear

    so shifter is more important than derailleur, thanks. when you say nicer, does it mean smoother or quicker response?

    um... maybe i have to use it before knowing the different.
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    TBH i would just go X7 as they are the old X9s and work nicely and have the indicators that you want.

    the feel is similar. X9 is just lighter.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    You can't start on half a job with this. The shifters must match the cassette.
    BOYDIE Posts: 528
    Id just stick to x7 the difference between the two is minimal when you are using it.I have had both,but currently run x7 shifters and front and rear mech.And when you smash it, it is cheaper to replace.The 2010 x7 shifter does not have the indicators they have the same clamp as the x9 which you can mix with an AVID lever to cut down on clutter on your handlebar.
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    My X7 shifters had windows while my X9 don't so it's not a fair comparison but the X9s certainly shift quicker and "lighter", they just feel that bit quicker on the uptake, the X7s felt a bit disconnected. Though still very good tbh.

    As Peter says, shifters are in charge, mechs just do what they're told so it's better to have a good shifter and a cheaper mech than the other way round. Also rear mechs get broken quite often ;)

    You mentioned about 10 speed and I don't think anyone picked up on it, there is 10-speed shifters but they're totally different from the 9-speed ones, don't get them mixed up.

    TBH there's nothing at all wrong with 8-speed, the only downer is that you can't get really top end 8-speed parts.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 4,909
    nicklouse wrote:
    TBH i would just go X7 as they are the old X9s and work nicely and have the indicators that you want.

    the feel is similar. X9 is just lighter.

    I thought the new X7 doesn't have windows