London to Istanbul

Havelock Posts: 4
edited October 2011 in Tour & expedition
Hi all, I'm looking to ride from London to Istanbul in a few weeks.

My route so far is this, which is based on trying to get through as many different countries as possible without meandering too much from a straight-ish line. That said, it's only done through google maps avoiding highways, so any input from anyone with any knowledge of cycling these ways would be massively appreciated.

Also, if people are keen to come alone, I'm hoping to set off approx. 7th June and ride about 90-100m per day.


  • Havelock
    Havelock Posts: 4
    Apologies, the route went a bit funny, it's more like this:
  • pclarke0046
    pclarke0046 Posts: 20
    I cycled to Istanbul a couple of years ago following the Rhine south through Germany and then East along the Danube. It was surprisingly straight forward as the valleys enable you to avoid unnecessary mountains. Both rivers have beautiful paths to cycle along for much of western Europe meaning you don't find yourself travelling along main roads until you get east of Vienna when the cycle routes dry up and you will be forced to forge a path along A roads - make the most of Europe's well established cycle network while you can.

    You can see the route I planned on bikely:

    Let me know if you have any questions as the experience is still very fresh in the mind.
  • pastasauce
    pastasauce Posts: 221
    Heres a Twitter feed of someone who's doing it right now ....

    He left a few weeks back, so he can reccy the route for you !
  • pclarke0046
    pclarke0046 Posts: 20
    From reading his tweets he is on exactly the same route I was on and is sticking to the Rhine and the Danube.
  • blorg
    blorg Posts: 1,169
    I'm in the planning stages for this, would be leaving from Dublin with ferry to Cherbourg. So very interested in others' experiences. Planning on leaving on the 28th, need to get it done quite fast too. Planning on following the Danube currently.

    @Havelock- you can add Greece to that list by taking what is barely even a detour over the other side of the river before Edirne on the Turkish border.
  • As mentioned in other thread (Ideas... Sahara Trip), I'm 40 next year and looking for an adventure. This sounds a great one so will be reading this thread and the various links with interest.

    What do people do for accommodation? Book it up in advance? Do people travel with everything the need & top-up as they go? Or do you forward one or two parcels of spares etc. onward?

    Glad I haven't stumbled across this part of the forums before - I'd of resigned ages ago ;)
  • apreading
    apreading Posts: 4,535
    My big worry would be getting my bike back through Istanbul airport - every time I have been there is it mayhem - not organised at all...
  • Hoopdriver
    Hoopdriver Posts: 2,023
    I rode London to Istanbul a few years ago. I went down through northern France and the Ardennes, and on to Strasbour; through the Black Forest and then followed the Danube to Budapest, before curving down to Trieste and following the Dalmatian Coast to Greece and on to Turkey. A long way around, I suppose, but it was a lot of fun, very scenic and in the end it took me only six weeks.

    Good luck with it.