Etap du Dales this weekend....should I TT on Wednesday?

sagalout Posts: 338
As title really - I have a 12 mie TT on wednesday and the ETD is on Sunday - is that enough time for proper recovery? or should I give it a miss?

I'm not bothered about the time on Sunday, just more aiming to complete it, as it will be my first century ride (longest ride so far 75 miles) but dont want to take too much out of my legs for the big gradients!

Any advice gents?


  • i have a tt on sat afternnoon
    and am doing the etape
  • sagalout
    sagalout Posts: 338
    I definitely couldn't do that yet - I've only just started TT's (done 2 so far) and my legs ache loads the day after
  • andy162
    andy162 Posts: 634
    See how you feel... Get some recovery drink down ya sharpish when you've finished then plenty of rest before Wednesday. It's a tough route (EtD) & there are few parts where you can take it easy but if you are riding steady you'll be fine. If you're riding with mates there's always the "sitting in" option if you start to tire.

    Good luck on Sunday & I hope the weather is good for y'all. I booked to do it months ago
    but I'm missing out as something else has come up....

    I probably wouldn't expect to get a pb on Weds but ride anyway, you'll be fine.
  • bam49
    bam49 Posts: 159
    I think your legs will be rested by then so you should be ok.. I am a bit surprised though that you have never done a ride over 75 miles before but are doing the Etape.. I hope your 75 mile rides were v hilly / tough because the Etape du Dales is , imo , a seriously hard route . Hardest ride i have ever done - made worse if it is v windy and wet... I am going up north for my 4th crack at it , hope the weather will hold up... good luck on it mate :)
  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    You should be able to recover in plenty of time, if you eat a balanced nutritious diet. Have a recovery drink after you race, and take it easy for the rest of the week.

    I would ride between the two days without any issues, but other people may need more recovery time.
  • sagalout
    sagalout Posts: 338
    bam49 wrote:
    I hope your 75 mile rides were v hilly / tough because the Etape du Dales is , imo , a seriously hard route . Hardest ride i have ever done - made worse if it is v windy and wet... I am going up north for my 4th crack at it , hope the weather will hold up... good luck on it mate :)

    Cheers :) My training rides are all in the dales, so I'm used to hills. I did the Colomba Chemo Classic last winter and the Lakeland loop last month which included Hardknott and Whinlatter etc. Was tough though, but thats because I got carried away and went far too hard in the first half (above threshold for the first 40 miles and missed the first food stop doh!) and then reacted badly to food and felt really sick.

    I should be fine(ish) on the ride if I just keep the heart rate steady this time!
  • nickwill
    nickwill Posts: 2,735
    I'm riding it as well, it will be my first of the year. I suppose it depends on whether or not your time is important to you. If you intend to hammer round it, the TT is probably not a good idea, but if you are just going to have a steady ride round it I can't see a problem.
    I've been told I take sportives too seriously, so I will be taking it easy this week so I can get round in the best time that I'm capable of.
  • FransJacques
    FransJacques Posts: 2,148
    Echo comments on recovery drink - mainline some serious protein powder and B 6, 12 as soon as you're done and you'll be fine. It's more important that if you commute you don't over-cook in on thurs, fri but ride steady so the fresh blood brings lots of good stuff to your muscles. you might suffer more from the long drive on Sat - I think they invented cruise control for cyclists right legs! it saves me in france all the time - set it to 130 and you're done.

    12 miles should take you 30 mins right? That's not exactly like running back to back marathons is it? depends how well your body normally recovers, how much training base your legs have, and if you're doing the 12 for prep for the ride or because you want a season long ranking in your club's TTs and you won't really feel the effect. If it's the latter go for it.
    When a cyclist has a disagreement with a car; it's not who's right, it's who's left.
  • bam49
    bam49 Posts: 159
    ah - see you train in the Dales so you know exactly what the roads & conditions can be like.. reckon you will be fine, plenty of good advice above , just try and enjoy it I would say ,
  • magicrhodes
    magicrhodes Posts: 123
    TBH I'd've thought that 2 TT would be enough to prove that you're not a freakie loaner who enjoys trips up the nearest dual carriageway. Put the aero bars down and go for a ride with your mates, laugh and joke... it'll a good warm up for Etape!

    *lights blue touch paper and runs off*
  • bam49
    bam49 Posts: 159
    ^^^ ha ha - see where you are coming from with the TT's ... I was driving down the A24 last Sunday, heading for the Duncton sportive and Norwood Paragon were holding a TT - while I appreciate the speed & times some of these guys achieve I have no interest in crossing over to the dark side ..... :wink: