UK Sports examine Team Sky / BC relationship

iainf72 Posts: 15,784
edited May 2010 in Pro race
They've sent in the auditors! (and I'm sure a lot of you have suffered the pain of having the auditors in) ... uad-review?

Methinks the end result is going to be a more significant separation of the 2 entities.
Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.


  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    I wonder if the timing of this is significant, given the recent announcement about how many riders can enter the track events at 2012.
    Le Blaireau (1)
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    Bout time too.

    Had me a job interview with Mr B once. What a waste of time.

    Post was already "sorted" for another candidate/mate of his.

    Me...Bitter and Twisted? Damn right!
  • Article says Wiggo is the first Briton to wear pink...but Cav did that didn't he? And IOM is in Britain last time I checked.
    \'You Come At the King,You Best Not Miss\'
  • calvjones
    calvjones Posts: 3,850
    Article says Wiggo is the first Briton to wear pink...but Cav did that didn't he? And IOM is in Britain last time I checked.

    Yes, by 'Briton' they actually mean 'English bloke'. See F1 for original reference.

    Even though he's actually Belgian*

    * I have to argue this, cos otherwise Nicole Cooke is English.

    Strava is not Zen.
  • Slimbods
    Slimbods Posts: 321
    Article says Wiggo is the first Briton to wear pink...but Cav did that didn't he? And IOM is in Britain last time I checked.

    The Isle of Man isn't in Great Britan, but does form part of the British Isles. Isle of Man residents are British and Manx.
  • hockinsk
    hockinsk Posts: 100
    'They' being both British Cycling & UK Sport iainf72. I don't even know why William bothered writing it to be honest?

    Langley (UK Sport) even states: "it is not being done from any negative angle, but to ensure that both programmes are working well and can deliver what they need to." In addition, it is hoped that lessons can be learned from the Team Sky tie-in with the Olympic track squad to further the development of other sports."

    So basically UK Sport (Langley) want the review to find out why British Cycling & Team Sky is so much better than other sports governing bodies at spending lottery money and I assume will use the review to give other sports a kick up the arse!
  • le_patron
    le_patron Posts: 494
    edited May 2010
    hockinsk wrote:

    Langley (UK Sport) even states: "it is not being done from any negative angle, but to ensure that both programmes are working well and can deliver what they need to"

    Yeah, of course, the auditors say that here and you relax.....until the report comes in and you get a 'needs strengthening' or 'action required' result :D
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    No, it doesn't look like it's a "why are they better" review. It looks a lot more like a "Are Sky paying for the services they use" ... squad.html?

    Which is fair enough. They all want it formal and above board.

    But still, audit. Shudder.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • If they look in the right places there's plenty to uncover.
  • hockinsk
    hockinsk Posts: 100
    Maybe SKY should demand an audit that their SKY+HD money isn't getting sucked up by the whole BC Olympic program : ) Oh hang on SKY sponsor all of that too though don't they?

    Oh well, either the medals come out on the track, bmx & mtb via SKY & UK Sport or out on the road instead. Seems a win-win set-up to me whatever 'resources' get used by whatever SKY stakeholder!
  • eh
    eh Posts: 4,854
    Thing is in light of the new UCI rule for Track wouldn't this audit be an ideal opportunity to say Sky are getting too much for free and cut back the taxpayers contribution?
  • ynyswen24
    ynyswen24 Posts: 703
    If they look in the right places there's plenty to uncover.

    Please do share your knowledge.
  • ynyswen24 wrote:
    If they look in the right places there's plenty to uncover.

    Please do share your knowledge.

    There's no need to. Have a look through this forum and various others and you can see there is plenty of innuendo and rumour. If there is any foundation to these then an independent audit should find all.

    However, if these remarks are just baseless rumours then all countless internet keyboard warriors will be proved wrong.

    I wonder which it will be.
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,475
    Will they note how much money has been spent on cherry juice? :wink:
  • GroupOfOne MkII
    GroupOfOne MkII Posts: 1,289
    hockinsk wrote:
    Oh well, either the medals come out on the track, bmx & mtb via SKY & UK Sport or out on the road instead. Seems a win-win set-up to me whatever 'resources' get used by whatever SKY stakeholder!

    But doesn't BC receive tax payers money (or at a minimum lottery money), which in theory shouldn't be spent on a professional cycling team trying to win the Tour de France.

    So presumably the audit will make sure that the clear divide is there and that Team Sky are paying for any BC services they use, whether that be staff, facilities, transport etc, rather than having those things free, which in theory would be at the expense (however minimal) of the public funding BC receive.
  • ynyswen24
    ynyswen24 Posts: 703
    ynyswen24 wrote:
    If they look in the right places there's plenty to uncover.

    Please do share your knowledge.

    There's no need to. Have a look through this forum and various others and you can see there is plenty of innuendo and rumour. If there is any foundation to these then an independent audit should find all.

    However, if these remarks are just baseless rumours then all countless internet keyboard warriors will be proved wrong.

    I wonder which it will be.

    Innuendo and rumour apparently. The use of the phrase "If they look in the right places tthere's plenty to uncover" suggests inside knowledge rather than recieved gossip from this and other forums.Will you be contacting the auditors to spill some beans? Or can I take it that you are one of the countless internet keyboard warriors?

    Assuming that you have concrete evidence then you might be best advised to keep schtum for fear of legal action by the parties accused.

    "I wonder which it will be?"
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    andyp wrote:
    Will they note how much money has been spent on cherry juice? :wink:

    I think they're gonna be a bit confused when they see how much has been spent on "chimp training".
  • ynyswen24 wrote:
    ynyswen24 wrote:
    If they look in the right places there's plenty to uncover.

    Please do share your knowledge.

    There's no need to. Have a look through this forum and various others and you can see there is plenty of innuendo and rumour. If there is any foundation to these then an independent audit should find all.

    However, if these remarks are just baseless rumours then all countless internet keyboard warriors will be proved wrong.

    I wonder which it will be.

    Innuendo and rumour apparently. The use of the phrase "If they look in the right places tthere's plenty to uncover" suggests inside knowledge rather than recieved gossip from this and other forums.Will you be contacting the auditors to spill some beans? Or can I take it that you are one of the countless internet keyboard warriors?

    Assuming that you have concrete evidence then you might be best advised to keep schtum for fear of legal action by the parties accused.

    "I wonder which it will be?"

    Should have added a wink icon to my first post. But to be honest, there will be plenty for auditors to discover as it is a large organisation and they are pain to audit. If they find nothing, then there's a problem!

    Why would you advise anyone with concrete evidence to keep shtum. Surely anyone with concrete evidence is free to proclaim it to all and sundry. I hope that's not a veiled threat and you're in some way connected to some kind of cover up? Should we start to worry??

    That's like the reverse of Daryl Webster telling stories as fact then when challenged saying that it's just his word for it!!
  • ynyswen24
    ynyswen24 Posts: 703
    edited May 2010

    So what are you saying? That there's a surplus of gossip out here in the ether or that there's 'something' to be found? Veiled threats? The closest I've been to proffessional cycling is going to see the Manchester Wheelers track night at the Velodrome in about 1995. So what do I know?

    But that's the point, I don't know nothing. As for Daryl Webster, didn't he become a taxi driver?

    :wink: wink icon
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    iainf72 wrote:
    But still, audit. Shudder.

    Got some dodgy accounting practices you're worried about?