Verenti Cornwall Tor 2010



  • patchy
    patchy Posts: 779
    that was bonkers. Definitely the hardest day I've ever done on a bike. so... much... climbing...

    Came in at 8.27, but i think about half an hour of that was spent at the second feed stop putting myself back together before embarking on phase 2.
    point your handlebars towards the heavens and sweat like you're in hell
  • you boys coming in on 6 and a half ish an under obviously had your weetabix ! i was dissapointed not to break 7 hours, on a fine day it wouldnt have been a problem i'm sure.

    i saw several people in a heap at the side of the road and that hill into boscastle was a tricky descent, i started sliding at one point and was waiting for a very ungraceful dismount, luckilly managed to keep it going.

    i'm going to petition the PM to have lostwithiel filled in and levelled up a bit, such hills aren't necessary or really very civilized are they, it would make a lovely landfill site.

    the best bit about the day was all the nice young ladies i saw, of which there seemed to be rather a lot ..
  • Cornish-J
    Cornish-J Posts: 978
    i'm going to petition the PM to have lostwithiel filled in and levelled up a bit, such hills aren't necessary or really very civilized are they, it would make a lovely landfill site.

    Makes for great training straight from my front door though!
  • Well, as a leisure cyclist living in West Cornwall I thought I`d cope reasonably well with the 103 miler, being used to hills ( or so I thought ) and having done a few 50`s, but Jesus H Christ!!! I`ve never before seen cyclists pushing bikes down hill, as for that never-ending hill out of Looe, then that `thing` out of Lostwithiel that was like trying to cycle up a wall...well, what can I say. Only a sadist would come up with that at the 100 mile stage. As for the chap on the result sheet who finished in 5 hrs and 6 minutes..........what cc engine did you have strapped to your bike?
    Great experience though, has opened my eyes to what you real cyclists get up to. Was happy to finish in my (cough cough ) hours and ( cough cough ) minutes. Glad I had new batteries in my lights :lol: [/u]
  • richiebones
    richiebones Posts: 379
    have to say the first 50miles were brutal but over all it was alot of fun. feed stations were well stocked and signage was spot on, actually felt like you were getting something for your entrance fee
  • patchy
    patchy Posts: 779
    pics are now up on
    point your handlebars towards the heavens and sweat like you're in hell
  • Yeah i just checked the nice pictures of me gurning away out, first half i look surprisingly chipper, last 25 miles i look pale and like i've had enough, really must eat more !!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!!! Garmin says 6365 calories, if I consumed even 2000 calories i would be quite surprised.

    just trying to work it out and I think i had 3 nutrigrain elevenses, 4 bananas, 1 ham sandwich, 1 piece of flapjack, 2.5L of nuun and 0.75L of lucozade sport plus.

    dont think that's quite enough do you ?! time revised to 6:55 also, happier now i know it was under 7 hours despite the conditions.