FanBoys' trinkets

Vino2007 Posts: 340
edited May 2010 in Pro race
Ok it's a Lance video but i've never came across this before. I also think its more worth watching it, as it shows how isolated and sheltered the U.S.A is (Texas).
Note how boyish he is, i don't take much to the new wise "Politician" type Lance.


  • dougzz
    dougzz Posts: 1,833
    Boyish, well he was 23 ish.

    How does it show the USA as isolated and sheltered?

    It's just a typical cream puff piece of no real insight or value, but I don't see how it reflects on Lance, never mind Texas or the USA.
  • Vino2007
    Vino2007 Posts: 340
    1. Clearly, I was highlighting the difference in his nature from then and now, not stating how immature he was :roll:

    2. Ok I'm stereotyping slightly, but as it said "...You're the first person today", no one even in the city he lived in knew about a cycling world champion (because all they care about is there own sports and culture = sheltered).

    3, Title: Fanboys' trinket. Trinket, a small ornament of little value. I didn't declare this to be a four episode documentary on post-chemo microdosing techniques. Get a life
  • dougzz
    dougzz Posts: 1,833
    You thought "it was well worth watching" I didn't, hence my remarks.

    How many people in London, New York or Paris could identify Cadel Evans?
    I suppose London, New York and Paris are isolated and sheltered?
    Cycling is a minority sport, Lance has transcended that with the cancer survivor publicity milking machine he's built, so his profile is way beyond cycling. But I doubt in most cities you could randomly find 10 people who would recognise any of Evans, Contador, Piti, Cavendish, Basso, Wiggins whoever.

    I have a life thank you. If you don't want debate, which will always include people that don't agree with you, don't post on Internet forums. But to just offer petty insults to someone that views and responds to your post is puerile in the extreme.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Vino2007 wrote:
    2. Ok I'm stereotyping slightly, but as it said "...You're the first person today", no one even in the city he lived in knew about a cycling world champion (because all they care about is there own sports and culture = sheltered).

    Pop quiz 'non-sheltered' person. England are the European Hockey Champions (2009), a sport which has a far higher participation than cycling in the England. Can you name a single current English hockey player?
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Vino2007
    Vino2007 Posts: 340
    Damn lighten up!

    It's a rare clip, it shows how different he was from now, it (as the programme makers are pointing out) shows how sheltered the people in his own region are from his world champion win. Yet you have to make a degrading "puerile" remark that its not worth while watching.

    Yes, everyone is sheltered to differing extents, i was simply stating how sheltered they were in this incident.

    In regards to hockey, i am not English and you're missing the point, i doubt many people cared about Lance Armstrong's title,they aren't interested in hearing about other sports. Joe Blogs isnt sheltered because he fails to know the mechanism of maintenance Methyltransferases.
  • ju5t1n
    ju5t1n Posts: 2,028
    RichN95 wrote:
    Vino2007 wrote:
    2. Ok I'm stereotyping slightly, but as it said "...You're the first person today", no one even in the city he lived in knew about a cycling world champion (because all they care about is there own sports and culture = sheltered).

    Pop quiz 'non-sheltered' person. England are the European Hockey Champions (2009), a sport which has a far higher participation than cycling in the England. Can you name a single current English hockey player?
    Cycling is way more popular than hockey. Having Cycling Weekly, Cycle Sport, Cycling Plus, Pro Cycling et al in WH Smiths is testimony to that. Plus it’s the national sport of several European nations.
  • paulcuthbert
    paulcuthbert Posts: 1,016
    I love his goofy laugh at the water-skiing bit. I actually remember that from when I was 8, because it was the most exciting thing in the world that the guy on tv had the same helmet as my Dad :D

    Probably one of the few who remembers Lance pre-cancer. I was upset when my Dad told me he was out. I was only 10, and Lance was even then one of my favourites (the others being Indurain, Zulle and Kirsipuu). My Dad was Indurain and I was Armstrong (I liked the name- simpler times when you're younger!) in our races to the lampost or the top of a small hill :)

    Good times
  • dougzz
    dougzz Posts: 1,833
    Vino, you're moving the goal posts as you go :)
    You tell me to lighten up, then have a mini rant yourself ;)

    I only posted my opinions, and I stand by them. I can't help that I found it lightweight puff of no interest, but I did? Would you prefer I posted a lie to pretend we agree? I don't think my opinions are puerile, what I found puerile was that because my opinion was different to yours you told me to get a life, how is that reasonable?

    Failure to recognise one particular cyclist doesn't mean it's reasonable to say people from x are sheltered. Having visited Austin several times I can tell you it's a great place, and well worth a visit. The people there are just like anywhere else, some will know about cycling, other's about football or baseball, but it's unfair to describe them as sheltered or isolated.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    ju5t1n wrote:
    RichN95 wrote:
    Pop quiz 'non-sheltered' person. England are the European Hockey Champions (2009), a sport which has a far higher participation than cycling in the England. Can you name a single current English hockey player?
    Cycling is way more popular than hockey. Having Cycling Weekly, Cycle Sport, Cycling Plus, Pro Cycling et al in WH Smiths is testimony to that. Plus it’s the national sport of several European nations.

    I said higher participation (as a competative sport), not fans
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • ju5t1n
    ju5t1n Posts: 2,028
    RichN95 wrote:
    ju5t1n wrote:
    RichN95 wrote:
    Pop quiz 'non-sheltered' person. England are the European Hockey Champions (2009), a sport which has a far higher participation than cycling in the England. Can you name a single current English hockey player?
    Cycling is way more popular than hockey. Having Cycling Weekly, Cycle Sport, Cycling Plus, Pro Cycling et al in WH Smiths is testimony to that. Plus it’s the national sport of several European nations.

    I said higher participation (as a competative sport), not fans
    You didn’t say as a ‘competitive’ sport

    Sport England’s statistics show that weekly cycling participation (which does not include cycling for travel purposes) has grown from 1.767 million adults (4.3%) to 1.881 million adults (4.5%), an increase of 114,000 participants in the last year. Whereas Hockey participation was down at 101,400

    Here’s a link...
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    ju5t1n wrote:
    You didn’t say as a ‘competitive’ sport

    Sport England’s statistics show that weekly cycling participation (which does not include cycling for travel purposes) has grown from 1.767 million adults (4.3%) to 1.881 million adults (4.5%), an increase of 114,000 participants in the last year. Whereas Hockey participation was down at 101,400

    Here’s a link...

    If it's not competative, it's not sport.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    ju5t1n wrote:
    You didn’t say as a ‘competitive’ sport

    Sport England’s statistics show that weekly cycling participation (which does not include cycling for travel purposes) has grown from 1.767 million adults (4.3%) to 1.881 million adults (4.5%), an increase of 114,000 participants in the last year. Whereas Hockey participation was down at 101,400

    Here’s a link...

    If it's not competative, it's not sport.

    Anyway, my original point was that just because the people of Austin didn't know about a minority sport, it didn't make them sheltered. And the person who posted it was probably just as ignorant of minority sports.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Vino2007
    Vino2007 Posts: 340
    RichN95 wrote:
    ju5t1n wrote:
    Anyway, my original point was that just because the people of Austin didn't know about a minority sport, it didn't make them sheltered. And the person who posted it was probably just as ignorant of minority sports.

    Of course they are sheltered if they hadn't a clue that a world champion came from their region. I don't know where you are getting the bit where i said i wasn't sheltered? Of course everyone is to an extent, IF i lived in England and IF i didnt know about the English Hockey team, then YES i would be sheltered because i would not be paying much attention to that sport (Probably due to a lack of national interest, which is still a sheltered mentality)

    I was merely picking up on a few aspects in the video, however you and dougzz had to get confrontational about these points.
  • Vino2007
    Vino2007 Posts: 340
    dougzz wrote:
    Vino, you're moving the goal posts as you go :)
    You tell me to lighten up, then have a mini rant yourself ;)

    I only posted my opinions, and I stand by them. I can't help that I found it lightweight puff of no interest, but I did? Would you prefer I posted a lie to pretend we agree? I don't think my opinions are puerile, what I found puerile was that because my opinion was different to yours you told me to get a life, how is that reasonable?

    Failure to recognise one particular cyclist doesn't mean it's reasonable to say people from x are sheltered. Having visited Austin several times I can tell you it's a great place, and well worth a visit. The people there are just like anywhere else, some will know about cycling, other's about football or baseball, but it's unfair to describe them as sheltered or isolated.

    How is it ranting when I am trying to defend my post? I was just replying to your comments, which were quite negative i.e. My comparison of Lance from then and now, How the reporter highlights their ignorance towards a world champion and thirdly your worthless contribution of how pointless the video was.

    If you don't like something then why bother saying "I found that of no interest"? Do you go around the triathlon forums or romanian cricket forums saying how irrelevant and pointless it is to you?

    Making an argument for the sake of it like! Its just a video :)
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Vino2007 wrote:
    Of course they are sheltered if they hadn't a clue that a world champion came from their region. I don't know where you are getting the bit where i said i wasn't sheltered? Of course everyone is to an extent, IF i lived in England and IF i didnt know about the English Hockey team, then YES i would be sheltered because i would not be paying much attention to that sport (Probably due to a lack of national interest, which is still a sheltered mentality)

    I was merely picking up on a few aspects in the video, however you and dougzz had to get confrontational about these points.

    I'm not being confrontational. I'm merely picking you up on your lazy stereotyping of Americans. Not everyone can be interested everything. They're just not interested in cycling. That's hardly a crime and no refelction on their worldly-wisdom. If I went out onto the streets of Cardiff right now and asked them who Geraint Thomas is I wouldn't expect the response to be that much better.

    I can't name more than a handful of players for Cardiff City or Cardiff Blues, and I've been to see them both play a few times. Am I sheltered?
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Vino2007
    Vino2007 Posts: 340
    RichN95 wrote:
    Vino2007 wrote:
    Of course they are sheltered if they hadn't a clue that a world champion came from their region. I don't know where you are getting the bit where i said i wasn't sheltered? Of course everyone is to an extent, IF i lived in England and IF i didnt know about the English Hockey team, then YES i would be sheltered because i would not be paying much attention to that sport (Probably due to a lack of national interest, which is still a sheltered mentality)

    I was merely picking up on a few aspects in the video, however you and dougzz had to get confrontational about these points.

    I'm not being confrontational. I'm merely picking you up on your lazy stereotyping of Americans. Not everyone can be interested everything. They're just not interested in cycling. That's hardly a crime and no refelction on their worldly-wisdom. If I went out onto the streets of Cardiff right now and asked them who Geraint Thomas is I wouldn't expect the response to be that much better.

    I can't name more than a handful of players for Cardiff City or Cardiff Blues, and I've been to see them both play a few times. Am I sheltered?

    You're misconstruing my point, maybe for the final time you won't be LAZY and read my defence. I in no way am using sheltered in the same context as not knowing about everything. They had a world champion and nobody even vaguely knew/cared to that matter as it wasn't well broadcast( Quite a bit different from naming squad players).

    Yes it is sheltered not to know a single thing about different aspects of other people's way of life, I in no way (as i think you have tried to imply) said that americans are more sheltered than other people. It was a general observation on their knowledge of Lance. Fight it out with Ned Boulting or whoever it is in the clip, he made the point.
  • dougzz
    dougzz Posts: 1,833
    Vino. You say RichN95 misconstrued your point, and you say you're not being confrontational, and say it's lazy to not read someone's post. You say my comments were negative.

    1. How is it not negative to tell someone to get a life because they disagree with you?

    2. You made a remark about Texans being isolated and sheltered on the basis of that video, I think you now know that was wrong but won't admit it. You really can't base a statement of a whole city/state/country as being sheltered on sports trivia, or do you?

    3. You said it was worth watching and I disagreed. I don't post on everything I disagree with, but as I'd made two other points I thought I would offer my opinion that it was a nothing clip with no insight. There's a good chance I'm wrong, but it's not a yes/no thing, just my opinion. For PaulCuthbert it reminded him of pleasant childhood memories, so it was enjoyable for him and of value. We're all different.

    4. I stand by my opinions as reasoned and balanced, and not puerile.

    I think the interviewer is Gary Imlach rather than Ned Boulting. Gary Imalch's dad played for Nottingham Forest in the 1959 cup final. Stuart Imlach I think. If you didn't know that you're sheltered and isolated, if it's wrong I'm sheltered and isolated. Now that's puerile ;)