RPCC - Saturday 8 / Sunday 9 May

Wondering if anyone fancies another RPCC ride this weekend? .

Usual rules would apply:
    Anyone is welcome to attend Will average somewhere between 16-18 mph No one gets dropped and we'll regroup at the top of hills Tea and cake stop - probably at the top of Box Hill
I can do Sunday but not Saturday. Keen to get out early again too

What are other people's plans?


  • london-red
    london-red Posts: 1,266
    Just been given the go ahead by The Gatekeeper for another ride so definitely up for this. Sunday's best for me as well. As is early. Bosh. :P
  • Berns12
    Berns12 Posts: 198
    I can only do Saturday this week but it will have to be super quick ride for me. I can probably only afford to do the hoonfest route but skip Leith and head straight to Box Hill. Happy to ride out with the grupetto to Ranmore and then split. However it looks like there isn't going to be much a turnout this Saturday so looks like an ITT for me

    Will- you feeling better after last week's mishap?
  • Esoteric80
    Esoteric80 Posts: 84
    Berns - I may be up for a ride tomorrow depending on what happens tonight and the weather...

    Will post here to confirm otherwise will be out Sunday for sure.
  • bcss
    bcss Posts: 174
    should be in for sunday

    early = 8am at the gate?
  • thebongolian
    thebongolian Posts: 333
    Yeah, 8 am Sunday at Richmond Gate sounds good

    Bern - got me a nice scab on the forearm but otherwise doing fine. How was Norway?
  • Berns12
    Berns12 Posts: 198
    Yeah, 8 am Sunday at Richmond Gate sounds good

    Bern - got me a nice scab on the forearm but otherwise doing fine. How was Norway?

    Norway was great, bit chilly but had a great time catching up with friends.

    Sorry looks like I will miss you on Sunday, so see you next weekend eh? Good luck on the Sunday, and we will have to rename that turn off "Will's Junction"
  • london-red
    london-red Posts: 1,266
    8am tomorrow then. Looking forward to it - the forecast is for chilly, cloudy but dry which will do nicely...

    And, to repeat Bongolian's point, anyone is welcome. Meeting point is the White building Just inside the park by Richmond Gate.
  • bcss
    bcss Posts: 174
    guys, sorry won't make it once more, can't believe it, hurt my back when working out yesterday and not better this morning :-(...enjoy the ride!
  • thebongolian
    thebongolian Posts: 333
    Sorry you couldn't make it out Roland, you missed a good one: a good hard ride and stepped up the distance a little and added a few hills.

    Route here for those interested:


    James, Dave thanks for ride and hope you get the wheel sorted James

    Greg - good to bump into you - see you soon
  • london-red
    london-red Posts: 1,266
    Cracking ride chaps - really enjoyed every bit of it. There was always a wheel when you needed it, and the average speed doesn't seem to do justice to the pace we were setting. Could be the 4,500ft of climbing...

    Ditto about the wheel James - let's hope it's not too pricey.
  • london-red
    london-red Posts: 1,266
    btw here's a link to that Uvex deal...

  • thebongolian
    thebongolian Posts: 333
    Thanks for the link - decided to get one - in white too I'm afriad. If James gets one as one as well guess we'll have to actually make some RPCC kit otherwise we'll get some funny looks!
  • london-red
    london-red Posts: 1,266
    Good stuff, you won't be disappointed - it's so light you hardly notice that you're wearing the thing. Takes a little while to get the strapping sorted out, but once you're there - happy days!
  • gniz80
    gniz80 Posts: 25
    Hey Will

    Great seeing you too! Luckily the weather held out for us making it a good day. Got the Pearsons 150 in 12 days so ramping up the training for that so you'll be seeing more of me post 23rd of May.

    Hows the racing going?
  • Esoteric80
    Esoteric80 Posts: 84
    Greg - good to see you on Sun. looking strong and fast these days (I really should've started earlier in the season...)

    Rear Mavic still broken but Reynolds now fixed so will be out this weekend!!!

  • thebongolian
    thebongolian Posts: 333
    Put up a thread for this weekend:


    Greg - guess won't see you for this but maybe after the 23rd - hopefully will be a bit faster by then as sadly work kept me from racing once again this week