OT: Injury Advice

Dav3m Posts: 84
edited May 2010 in Commuting chat
Not strictly commuting... but at the weekend I had a nasty fall of my MTB on a downhill trail, and ended up getting winded.

Now I was expecting to get a load of bruises up and down my side and ribcage... but I have nothing except alot of pain. I managed to get back on the bike and ride for the rest of the da, and have commuted into work everyday this week, so I can rule out broken ribs, but I suspect I may have a fracture? The hardest thing to do is laugh, or cough, or sneeze as that is exceptionally painful still...

As there's no way to repair a fractured rib apart from rest - is it worth me queing up at a hospital to get an xray to confirm whether there is any damage or not?


  • Lancslad
    Lancslad Posts: 307
    Now really you know it is :!:
    Novice runner & novice cyclist
    Specialized Tricross
    Orbea (Enol I think)
  • iPad
    iPad Posts: 112
    edited May 2010
    I've broken ribs in the past (on both sides within 30 seconds of each other), and there is nothing you can do about it, you can't strap them and you can plaster them.

    Personally I didn't go to A&E (but I was seen by a doctor at the scene), all they'll do is xray them, confirm that they're broken / cracked and tell you to go home and take some asprin.

    The bad news is that I broke mine 5 years ago, and they still hurt when I move sometimes.
    I know the voices in my head aren't real, but they have such great ideas
  • jeepie
    jeepie Posts: 497
    My friend broke his ribs doing karate. As you say there isn't anything they can do for a broken rib to my knowledge (I am not a doctor). I personally though would want to know what was causing me the pain so I knew, so I'd get checked out.
  • iPad
    iPad Posts: 112
    Jeepie wrote:
    My friend broke his ribs doing karate. As you say there isn't anything they can do for a broken rib to my knowledge (I am not a doctor). I personally though would want to know what was causing me the pain so I knew, so I'd get checked out.

    That's how I did mine, still won the bout though [the other guy was disqulaified for exccessive use of vilolence :oops: ].
    I know the voices in my head aren't real, but they have such great ideas
  • lost_in_thought
    lost_in_thought Posts: 10,563
    Yeah, worth going to see a GP just in case it's something more serious. You could have broken ribs, or you could just have very bruised ribs and intercostal muscles.

    (Also not a doctor)
  • Aidy
    Aidy Posts: 2,015
    I did something similar towards the end of summer last year, smashed my hip into the ground pretty hard. Actually one of the few occasions I didn't get back on and ride out the rest of the day.

    Took a day working from home to try and let it recover a bit, but rode in after. Coughing, sneezing or jarring it was exceptionally painful. Sneezing would literally bring me to my knees.

    I, err, pretty much ignored it until it went away after two or three weeks. I'd tend to recommend you go and see a doctor, for peace of mind if nothing else, but I'm not very good at taking my own advice.
  • Bikerbaboon
    Bikerbaboon Posts: 1,017
    iPad wrote:
    I've broken ribs in the past (on both sides within 30 seconds of each other), and there is nothing you can do about it, you can't strap them and you can plaster them.

    Personally I didn't go to A&E (but I was seen by a doctor at the scene), all they'll do is xray them, confirm that they're broken / cracked and tell you to go home and take some asprin.

    The bad news is that I broke mine 5 years ago, and they still hurt when I move sometimes.

    They dont even xray any more if there are no other factors like shortness of breath.
    Hard to spot and even then there is nothing you can do.

    rest relax and pain killers.
    Nothing in life can not be improved with either monkeys, pirates or ninjas
  • domjon
    domjon Posts: 25
    as others have said there's nothing can be done, I did it a few months ago and when it was still giving me jip 4 weeks later the missus made me go and get it checked out...they listened to my chest for 10 seconds and sent me on my way with the advice keep taking ibuprofene till it no longer hurts. Unless you're quite badly short of breath it probably isn't worth going, aside from the peace of mind aspect.
  • davis
    davis Posts: 2,506
    Broken ribs before, the hospital rarely bother x-raying as it's not always possible to see cracks etc on an x-ray, and, frankly it ain't worth the bother.

    It hurts like hell, takes ages to heal, and messes up lots movement. At least it did for me.
    I personally wouldn't bother the healthcare people unless it became dramatically worse or really really hurt. Rest up and take it easy. Something like Ibuprofen is probably worth a go, though I tend not to go mad on those if I can avoid it

    Also not a doctician
    Sometimes parts break. Sometimes you crash. Sometimes it’s your fault.