Hampshire Hilly Hundred

sampras38 Posts: 1,917
Anyone know what time you need to get gold this year?



  • FransJacques
    FransJacques Posts: 2,148
    Hi, some buddies and I did the long course in 2009 and finished from 5:45 to 6:05 and all got gold.

    From a quick perusal of the 2009 results you can see Silver cropping up around the 6:18 mark.

    http://www.sportident.co.uk/results/200 ... miles.html

    I don't think the course has changed in 2010 - tho I do hope they filled in that fecking moon crater near the finish where I got a flat and ripped the a$$ our of the sidewall - so draw your own conclusions about finish times.

    Go for a sub 6 hours and ye'll be fine me hearty.
    When a cyclist has a disagreement with a car; it's not who's right, it's who's left.
  • FransJacques
    FransJacques Posts: 2,148
    Amazing what some recreational googling will do: http://www.sportivecycling.org.uk/route.htm

    Your and my prayers have been answered: the Sparsholt crater has been avoided. Otherwise there are no signif changes from 2009. Oh joy. See you out there, I'll be on the R3SL with Ardennes, not sure of clothing yet but it's looking grim.

    If not the R3SL then the rain bike, a light blue Colnago ti.
    When a cyclist has a disagreement with a car; it's not who's right, it's who's left.
  • sampras38
    sampras38 Posts: 1,917
    Hi, some buddies and I did the long course in 2009 and finished from 5:45 to 6:05 and all got gold.

    From a quick perusal of the 2009 results you can see Silver cropping up around the 6:18 mark.

    http://www.sportident.co.uk/results/200 ... miles.html

    I don't think the course has changed in 2010 - tho I do hope they filled in that fecking moon crater near the finish where I got a flat and ripped the a$$ our of the sidewall - so draw your own conclusions about finish times.

    Go for a sub 6 hours and ye'll be fine me hearty.

    thanks for that.

    I did have a look at the previous years and the gold times seemed a bit inconsistant and didn't quite make sense. I had a feeling 6hrs was about right so I'll aim for that.

  • sampras38
    sampras38 Posts: 1,917
    Amazing what some recreational googling will do: http://www.sportivecycling.org.uk/route.htm

    Your and my prayers have been answered: the Sparsholt crater has been avoided. Otherwise there are no signif changes from 2009. Oh joy. See you out there, I'll be on the R3SL with Ardennes, not sure of clothing yet but it's looking grim.

    If not the R3SL then the rain bike, a light blue Colnago ti.

    I had seen that site too...cheers

  • FransJacques
    FransJacques Posts: 2,148
    btw, hong kong phoey - wow, now that takes me back

    if you can find me a jabber-jaw or baba-looey avatar i'll join you on the 70's cartoon kick :-D

    did he change in his car or was it some kind of wooden box? I can't remember the opening sequnce...
    When a cyclist has a disagreement with a car; it's not who's right, it's who's left.
  • sampras38
    sampras38 Posts: 1,917
    btw, hong kong phoey - wow, now that takes me back

    if you can find me a jabber-jaw or baba-looey avatar i'll join you on the 70's cartoon kick :-D

    did he change in his car or was it some kind of wooden box? I can't remember the opening sequnce...

    sorry, can't help you on the Jabber-Jaw or Baba-Looey Avatar. Why don't you try something from Wacky Races or Top Cat?

  • 1878
    1878 Posts: 34
    Stupid question time - where can I find my rider number for the event?
  • sampras38
    sampras38 Posts: 1,917
    1878 wrote:
    Stupid question time - where can I find my rider number for the event?

    You get it at registration on the morning of the ride.
  • boondog
    boondog Posts: 205
    weather looks cold ! 9 deg !! current forecast says "grey cloud", but we all know the weather forecasts are nonsense. :)
    I'm looking forward to this event, hoping to come in around the 6 hour mark.
    Can anyone advise on the route signage, is it easy to get lost on the route or are there generally lots of riders out to follow ?
  • smithy21
    smithy21 Posts: 2,204
    boondog wrote:
    weather looks cold ! 9 deg !! current forecast says "grey cloud", but we all know the weather forecasts are nonsense. :)
    I'm looking forward to this event, hoping to come in around the 6 hour mark.
    Can anyone advise on the route signage, is it easy to get lost on the route or are there generally lots of riders out to follow ?

    Plenty of riders to follow and pretty well signed last year too so shouldnt be a problem.
  • FransJacques
    FransJacques Posts: 2,148
    Great day out today, the wind was a major pain but there were lots of good groups to get into. I rode with a couple guys from i-team (not sure what the concept is) but they were cool and tried to rip each other's legs off until mine came off first.

    One thing I noticed was that a) the moon crater in Sparsholt was filled in, b) there was a 360 degree headwind, I don't think I had a tail wind once on a counter-clockwise course - how does that work?, c) the course wasn't 100 kms, could have been I dropped the GPS signal in thick trees a few times, but I ended up with about 157 kms - anyone notice this?

    Well organized and lots of volunteers. Feed stops had bad food but I just bring my own anyway...
    When a cyclist has a disagreement with a car; it's not who's right, it's who's left.
  • boondog
    boondog Posts: 205
    Well organized and lots of volunteers. Feed stops had bad food but I just bring my own anyway...
    except for the check in, that was a bit messy, queuing up outside in cold weather wasn't good.

    I really enjoyed it, I saw those i-team guys as well, there were a few good packs around which I joined, and everyone was very friendly. see the winning time ? 5:11 !!!!! :shock:
  • FransJacques
    FransJacques Posts: 2,148
    Holy cow that's ill. I rode my guts out for a ~5:33 riding time. Sadly with the stops, and I was speedy gonzales, I'll probably be over the 5:36 Gold time which was posted on the door for the under 40 year old geezers like me.

    Where did you see the times posted? What was your total riding distance? My recollection was that it was shorter than last year, maybe due to the first part..can't remember...
    When a cyclist has a disagreement with a car; it's not who's right, it's who's left.
  • boondog
    boondog Posts: 205
    my Garmin 705 clocked it at 99.31 miles, so only just short.
    I clocked 5:58, which for old farts like me is Gold.
    The times were printed out and given to you when you stopped, and there was a screen right next to it showing the top riders. So you got a ticket and felt good for around 30 seconds !
  • smithy21
    smithy21 Posts: 2,204
    6.19 for me and that felt pretty tough. I dont know what happened but I didnt see many groups out there this year so I pretty much did the whole thing solo.

    Not a big fan of the shambles at the start with the queue snaking out into the cold but enjoyed the ride- other than that I thought the organisation was spot on.
  • twotyred
    twotyred Posts: 822
    The long Queues at the start and finish were a real pain. More chip scanners next time please. Feed stops were good with plenty of food and drink and no queues for the toilets.

    Didn't realise that there were that many hills in Hampshire! Felt like winter with that cold north wind which made the south to north leg tough. 6:55 for me. Like Smithy couldn't find any groups to sit in with but managed to work with a guy in a London Pride jersey from Watership Down to the last feed stop. Respect to you guys coming in under 6 hours.
  • sampras38
    sampras38 Posts: 1,917
    smithy21 wrote:
    6.19 for me and that felt pretty tough. I dont know what happened but I didnt see many groups out there this year so I pretty much did the whole thing solo.

    Not a big fan of the shambles at the start with the queue snaking out into the cold but enjoyed the ride- other than that I thought the organisation was spot on.

    I also did 6.19 and did half and half group riding and solo. Agreed there didn't seem to be many groups but the ones I did ride with were good, and friendly too. If it wasn't for the 2nd feed time check I think I'd have not bothered to stop at any of them. Would have got a better time and I felt strong enough.

    I was one of the first there so didn't have to queue, but saw the queue getting longer and longer. That didn't look like much fun.

    Overall I thought it was well organised, signposted and I'll no doubt be back next year.
  • Airwave
    Airwave Posts: 483
    I missed the split,as i was paying more attention to the traffic lights staying green.I dont think there was enough signage ahead of the split.I was going really well,i was well p**ssed off when i saw a sign for the college 20 odd miles to soon.That spoiled the day for me.Allways found the splits to be better signposted at other events.
  • Han2130
    Han2130 Posts: 30
    This was my first ever sportive. Slow time of 8:14 but I did have a 15kg bike and panniers. I think I might save up for a road bike as I didn't seem to be rolling as fast as everyone else. :shock: On the plus side no punctures. It was a bit gutting being overtaken all the time :D Had a fun day though. Have got the bug.
  • Smartbike
    Smartbike Posts: 15
    You must have been really concentrating on those lights Airwave - there were two massive orange signs plus a couple of marshalls shouting directions when I got there.
  • FransJacques
    FransJacques Posts: 2,148
    thing about the "marshalls" is they were two giggle school girls who didn't say much too us. i went straight initially and the group of 6 i was leading at the time all turned right. i had to chase back on. not fun.

    i too was concentrating on the light too much - there's a funny fixation with green lights that aflicts commuter cyclists like me, it might be the junction to the gates of hell but if it's green i wanna beat the amber. I did this time and luckily the guys shouted at me and i saw the sign at the last moment. the signs should have been 100 meters before.

    thank god they filled in the blinikin moon crater in sparsholt - the website said they changed the route but we did 100% the same old route - enabled by the new blacktop over the moon crater
    When a cyclist has a disagreement with a car; it's not who's right, it's who's left.
  • Airwave
    Airwave Posts: 483
    Smartbike wrote:
    You must have been really concentrating on those lights Airwave - there were two massive orange signs plus a couple of marshalls shouting directions when I got there.

    I was doing 24mph&the lights were green-tunnel vision.... :roll:
  • FransJacques
    FransJacques Posts: 2,148
    I think the signs were actually yellow non? Hope I'm not going crazy yet.
    When a cyclist has a disagreement with a car; it's not who's right, it's who's left.
  • Hi Not being able to keep up with all those fast groups that ride past me I have the benefit of unhindered views of all the signs including the split signs when I went for the 100. Apart from the slow registration at the beginning, I thought the whole organisation was spot on, particularly good was having the pot holes marked throughout in white paint, and toilets at the stops for us girls/boys that don't want to stop besides the roadside as it's not always convenient. Oh and the T-shirts - very nice but have to wear it as a dress as a bit too big (run out of small sizes). Shall be back next year to have another go at cracking the Gold. :)
  • Red GT
    Red GT Posts: 40
    I enjoyed the route and thought that it was, on the whole, well signed. The pot-hole signs were especially good.

    I was fortunate at the split as the marshals were switched on but to avoid doubt maybe they could have gone to town on the 'SPLIT HERE' signs.

    The only let down was the slow registration. I did a similar size event two weeks ago (The White Horse Challenge) and the timing chips were all pre-loaded which made the process a lot quicker. As a result I found the first 60K a lonely affair and the only wheel I managed to find after that nearly ripped my legs off.

    He crossed the line in just over 5h10min, I crossed the line a little later a broken man!
  • Hi Red GI

    I did the White Horse challenge as well and agree - extremely well organised throughout and very friendly. Especially liked the the medal and fruit gums at the finish given by the children helping out. As it was my longest ride this year just did it for the miles rather than a time and enjoyed chatting with people.