Black Rat challenge, Bristol 16 May

Anyone else planning on riding this event?

I've had a look at the route on their website and it looks like 169km, which makes 105 miles, and it's a hilly one too, despite their comments to the contrary. It's my home turf and they seem to have selected just about every hill on Mendip and surrounding district. Just glad they didn't sneek in the one up past the gliding club at Draycott.

Don't be fooled by the comments about good quality roads either, been out today and there are still loads of potholes about. For all you city types, beware the flies! A lot of the flatter stuff goes through farming country and you will need to keep your mouth shut to avoid exttra protein.
“I ride my bicycle to ride my bicycle.”


  • Philby
    Philby Posts: 328
    And they are also suggesting Bristol-based riders cycle to Backwell and back which will add another approx 15 miles.

    Hope the weather is OK though.
  • gert_lush
    gert_lush Posts: 634
    Yep i'm doing it, and yep its looks pretty hilly I agree, I was also quite surprised by the comment when i looked at the route and thought, hhmm they seem to veer off flat roads to go up hills!. However should be a great day if the weather is good, and definitely pretty testing. I am sure the cycle there will be fine............not so sure about the cycle back though!
    FCN 8 mainly
    FCN 4 sometimes
  • risi
    risi Posts: 231
    I was out there yesterday too - the bit between Felton & Chew Stoke (about 14 miles - 17 miles on the route) is pretty shocking in places. Thankfully there's very little traffic on that part.
    Its an excuse to go back to my old school though.
    Specialized Allez
    Trek 6500
  • pantsani
    pantsani Posts: 114
    I'm in, if it is really a hilly 105 miles the Gold certificate time of less than 5hrs 16 mins sounds a bit harsh, but hey ho will give it a crack and look forward to it.

    Fingers crossed for good weather.
  • TheBullet
    TheBullet Posts: 58
    Me and a few friends have signed up and are all looking forward to some good riding including the hills the many many hills!!

    I'm gonna try my damn hardest to get gold but agree that could be hard if it's 105 miles.

    So far I'm really impressed with the communication form the organisers so hopefully the event will live up to it's expectations.

    Good riding everyone
    Winners never quit and quitters never win!!
  • I'm doing it with a friend, using it as training for La Marmotte so looking forward to a good hard ride.
  • IronHorse100
    IronHorse100 Posts: 302
    Anyone know if they accept transfers / late entrants where people are dropping out?
  • Brewsterwmb
    Brewsterwmb Posts: 145
    IainHounsell - Marmotte too! Doing the Dragon then?

    Cant be as hilly as the Forest of Dean last Sunday?! Well, not one after the other after the other after the . . .
    “Look where you want to go. Not where you are going”
  • IronHorse100
    IronHorse100 Posts: 302
    Dragon Ride is different from FOD but no less hard. It's over 30 miles longer and has some long long climbs. They send you back over the Bwlch (long climb) the hard way up with 90 miles already in your legs. Great prep for Marmotte.
  • re comments of Ironhorse 100, last Monday the organisers had six withdrawls but 20
    potential entrants on a 'first come first served basis'. The web site is very user
    friendly so try & enter & if that fails use the link to request to go on the reserve list.
    I'm signed up! Best of luck.
    I disapprove of what you say but will defend....your right to say it. Francois-Marie Arouet Voltaire08 Cotic Soda-deceased!10 Bianchi 928 c2c23 Marin Nicasio2
  • Blackspot
    Blackspot Posts: 2
    Must say I was a bit concerned with a few comments on here so I checked out most of the route over the last week or so. You are right that there are a few roads that are not in good condition - but these are quiet roads and I did get an e-mail from the organisers saying that there were a few crappy roads. Nothing to worry about I didn't think.

    As for the hills I didn't find them too bad. The one from Blagdon is quite steep but only for a short stretch. The others are steep in places too but nothing too drastic. Anyway I guess that's why they called it the Black rat Challenge not the Black Rat piece of piss ;-)

    I'm looking forward to it. I looked on Metcheck and the weather forecast is not bad for Sunday so it should be a good day :D

    See you there!