Buying British made components

artaxerxes Posts: 612
edited May 2010 in Commuting chat
OK so I've been looking at adding some UK made components to my bike and I thought I'd make a start with Fibrax brake pads. Anyone here used them, and if you have, how do they compare with standard Shimano brake pads or other makes like Swissstop?

Apart from Brooks saddles which I know about already are there any other UK made bike components? Any info appreciated.


  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    I used them years ago and were a definite improvement on the stock SHimano M System pads.

    Other components:

    BETD - some of them

    and a few more that I need to remember lol.
  • Zachariah
    Zachariah Posts: 782
    Crud mudguards and other products are all British designed and made, and their service is excellent (Mr Crud frequents these boards and very kindly sorted me out).
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,217
    I used Fibrax rim pads on my bike before I switched to discs and I think I tried a pair of disc pads from them. I wouldn't rave about them - I think the quality was OK but they were quite expensive.

    The factory was about 10 minute walk from where I used to live. I asked if I could collect bits from their factory but they said no.
  • artaxerxes
    artaxerxes Posts: 612
    Thanks for the info, I think I'll give these Fibrax pads a go then.
    My bike came with SKS mudguards fitted and these have proved excellent, so unfortunately the Crud guards would be redundant.

    Oh and thanks for the other suggestions supersonic.
  • Underscore
    Underscore Posts: 730
    FWIW, on my commuter I'm running Fibrax (V-brake) pads on the front and do find them better than the Koolstops that I had on the back previously. I have, however, found them to be a bit squeally no matter how I toe them in. On the back, I'm now running Clark pads which seem to perform very similarly to the Fibrax but without the squeal - and Clark are a British company too - so they would be my recommendation...

  • vorsprung
    vorsprung Posts: 1,953
    I have a Cotic Roadrat with Brooks B17 and a Hope headset

    I buillt the wheels myself

    Do i win a prize?