OT: Yet another election 2010 thread

tailwindhome Posts: 19,358
edited May 2010 in Commuting chat
The election was announced on the 6th April and will be held on the 6th May (which everyone knew anyway)

After a month of public appearances, interviews, televised debates and media discussion have you changed your mind about your voting intention?

And if you have changed your mind, what swayed you?
“New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!


  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    You don't have "I did intend to vote but am now unable to as I'll be away so I'm not bothering to decide who to vote for"
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,217
    So far only Plaid Cymru and Labour bothered to get back to me when I asked all the local candidates "so what are you going to do for cyclists?" so I'll probably vote for one of those.

    Lib Dems and the Tories haven't even bothered campaigning in our village. UKIP and BNP at least managed a leaflet through the door!
  • Eau Rouge
    Eau Rouge Posts: 1,118
    Lib Dems and the Tories haven't even bothered campaigning in our village.

    How's this for political spin....that's them cutting waste even before they get into power!

    Neither of them think they are going to win your seat, and so have not wasted resources campaigning there and instead spent the money elsewhere, like where I live, where they both have done a lot while you'd be forgiven for not even knowing there was a Labour candidate running.

    Mind made up years ago, before I even moved to this country, nothing in the past 10 years has done anything but confirm that choice, and unlike most of my fellow Lib Dem voters, they do win around here in all elections.
  • prj45
    prj45 Posts: 2,208
    I can't bring myself to vote for any of the big three.

    Could never, ever vote Tory, they stink to high heaven.

    Lib Dems, hmmm, possibly, liking the attitude toward drug legalisation and voting reform (although that would probably change if they benefit from our first past the post system).

    Labour, er no, liking the liberal thing, but seriously, the Iraq war?

    The least worst independent or minor party I guess, or failing that Monster Raving Loony.
  • shouldbeinbed
    shouldbeinbed Posts: 2,660
    I've been swayed by the Lib Dem's nationally but locally they've been poor in charge of our council and their candidate doesn't really grab me as a person I can trust or want to work with/get to know through my community bits and bats.

    They've bombarded us with literature but not one person has ever come and knocked on the door to see what effect the rainforst of paper has had, Labour have sent out half as much paper but have been here in person to talk face to face with.

    not much but it shows to me that they're more interested in my community and issues than simply receiving my vote without even having a clue who or where I am.

    The tories aren't interested in my area and the feeling is entirely mutual.

    thankfully this time the BNP haven't shown a sniff of interest either, saves me jabbing the dog with a pin to get them off the doorstep.
  • Oddjob62
    Oddjob62 Posts: 1,056
    We have a brand new constituency this year, and the reshuffle looks to have put Lib Dems in a strong position to push out Labour who have held the previous seat since 92. I've liked what i've seen of the Lib Dem candidate over the years, and would like to see Labour out so i will be going for them (my first time voting)
    As yet unnamed (Dolan Seta)
    Joelle (Focus Expert SRAM)
  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,358
    suzyb wrote:
    You don't have "I did intend to vote but am now unable to as I'll be away so I'm not bothering to decide who to vote for"

    There I was thinking I'd made the poll complicated enough
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • sufferingpete
    sufferingpete Posts: 524
    I am not going to vote.
    Non of the candidates deserve my support.
    Huge financial debt, a government with very little finacial room for manouver. None seem to want to tackle this problem.
    MP's and a public service that are basically corrupt
    Racing is rubbish you can\'t relax and enjoy it- because some bugger is always trying to get past.
  • prj45
    prj45 Posts: 2,208
    I am not going to vote.
    Non of the candidates deserve my support.
    Huge financial debt, a government with very little finacial room for manouver. None seem to want to tackle this problem.
    MP's and a public service that are basically corrupt

    Do go along to vote, just spoil you ballot. Many returning officers count spoiled ballots, and some even publish figures to show how many were just filled in incorrectly and how many were purposefully spoiled.

    I.e. make sure you let them know what you think.
  • tomb353
    tomb353 Posts: 196
    Huge financial debt, a government with very little finacial room for manouver. None seem to want to tackle this problem.

    but one party in particular is doing most to pretend that they do have room for manouver, and makes promises it knows it cannot keep to safeguard this and safeguard that.... Perhaps award one of the other parties your vote for telling less outrageous lies than the others, pour encourager les autres?[/quote]
    vendor of bicycle baskets & other stuff www.tynebicycle.co.uk
    Kinesis Tripster
    Gazelle NY Cab
    Surly Steamroller
    Cannondale F100
  • OldSkoolKona
    OldSkoolKona Posts: 655
    Interesting to see what the different cycling groups have been doing in relation to the election - can anyone remember if they did this last time round?

    I saw my local cycling group had questioned the local candidates on their views towards cycling, was interesting the call to take your vote seriously.

    http://www.richmondlcc.co.uk/2010/05/05 ... -update-2/
  • Agent57
    Agent57 Posts: 2,300
    I still haven't made my mind up, but I'm definitely not voting for this lot.

    http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/co ... 62318.html

    Aside from that, they had the fewest PPCs (from the main parties) who responded saying they back the CTC's Vote Bike Manifesto.

    http://www.ctc.org.uk/resources/Campaig ... idates.xls
    MTB commuter / 531c commuter / CR1 Team 2009 / RockHopper Pro Disc / 10 mile PB: 25:52 (Jun 2014)