Etape Caledonia 2010 seeding/start times

Are on their website to download. And for the second year running they have put me at the back.

Does anybody else have an issue with their allocated time? I specified under four hours as my standard, but IMG claim I entered 5:30. Yeah like I'd do that for fun.


  • themightyw
    themightyw Posts: 409
    A fair bit of discussion about this on the current Etape Cal thread.
  • rokkala
    rokkala Posts: 649
    From what i remember of the entry form on the website, it was pretty easy to accidentally change your chosen 'target time' once you had selected it. As it was from a drop down box, so if you moved your mouse or scrolled before deselecting the box you might have unwittingly changed it to 5 and a half.

    Saw my Dad do it when I was watching him enter his details.
  • I noticed that at the time, so I was particularly careful to make sure I had the right time selected before sending. And they still got it wrong.

    Coming through from the back last year wasn't safe, particularly for people on my wheel.