
pamuzu Posts: 89
edited May 2010 in Road beginners
Think that most people may find this hard to believe.

However...riding at a good speed this week (around 20mph), a white van pulled up really close to me. Next thing I had an egg smashed over my helmet! I pulled over, and seriously found this hard to comprehend.

By the time the anger had arrived the van had got off.

Anyone had any sort of experience like this? Or am I just a victim!



  • I've had two or three instances where people have thrown a bottle of water, or drove past and opened their windows and screamed really loudly when overtaking. Must say, the latter was quite scary lol
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    I don't think that kind of moronic behaviour is limited towards cyclists. I used to go jogging several times a week and (on the odd, thankfully rare occassion) got general abuse, specific abuse and even had a can of lager thrown at me (shame it was only half full though). Unfortunately, there just seems to be a few idiots out there who find that kind of thing funny (that special kind of idiotic laughter funny) and I don't think it will ever go away. Ho hum :(

    It's easy to get despondent when the anger subsides so chin up, Phil. Don't let the buggers grind you down!
  • Flasheart
    Flasheart Posts: 1,278
    Back in Oz when I was in my late teens I cycled my road bike to work the 5 miles although I did have a car
    One afternoon riding home after work, some pr1ck pulled up along side of me and his mate threw a glass fruit juice bottle at me. It hit my right hand and broke a small bone and sliced my hand open. I couldn't put any weight on that hand for a while after that so I had to drive to work until it healed.

    You get w@nkers all over the world, not just here :roll:
    The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle. ...Stapp’s Ironical Paradox Law
  • bigal.
    bigal. Posts: 479
    I had a car pull up along side me whilst I was descending at approx 25 -30mph and the passenger leaned out the window and poured water over me whilst shouting abuse at me.
    Apart from being extremely angry I managed to remeber his registration plate so I made a quick call to the local police who came to my house and took a statement and made a visit to the car owners house.

    The Police did say that there was no point in charging them as it was my word against theirs so if it does ever happen and you have a witness make sure you get their names and adress's as well.

    They were youngsters and I am sure that a visit by the Police will have given them a little scare.
  • Ben6899
    Ben6899 Posts: 9,686
    Plenty of idiots on the planet I'm afraid. I haven't had any real abuse (luckily), but there are always the odd comments... I take solace in my rock hard buns and superior VO2 Max.

    Bikes: Donhou DSS4 Custom | Condor Italia RC | Gios Megalite | Dolan Preffisio | Giant Bowery '76
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    Stuff like that really makes me angry, what the hell goes on (or not) in some peoples minds?.

    Luckily, it seems like Norfolk (or at least rural, sleepy Norfolk where I am), has escaped most of it.
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    You have my sympathies, that`s really annoying.
    Something large hit me on the back once, it came out of the passenger window and the car sped off.
    It was one of the few times I have lost it completely and I gave chase spewing out venom and imagining the terrible things I was going to do to them or the car when I caught them. Fortunately {for me} I didn`t.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • northstar
    northstar Posts: 407
    Stuff like that really makes me angry, what the hell goes on (or not) in some peoples minds?.

    Not a lot is pretty much spot on, they are probably so unhappy in their lives that to feel "big" they go for the easy target, cyclists.
    Training is like fighting with a gorilla. You don’t stop when you’re tired. You stop when the gorilla is tired.
  • Luckily for me I've never had anything like this happen. YET!

    Where abouts do you ride around Manchester? I ride up in North Manchester / pennines area so manage pretty much to stay out of really populated areas
    Bianchi. There are no alternatives only compromises!
    I RIDE A KONA CADABRA -would you like to come and have a play with my magic link?
  • rf6
    rf6 Posts: 323
    On a similar theme, I have a, ahem, friend who has riding a motorbike when a driver flicked a cigarette striking me, I mean my friend, on the chest and staying on the jacket. Rider picks up butt end which is still aglow, catches up with said car driver and drops the butt end through the open window and into his lap.

    The result look of shock, and sudden application of brakes was very amusing. (Apparenetly, obviously I wasn't there). :roll:

    So chin up, you may get a slice of revenge next time!!!
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    Have had the thing where people lean out of a vehicle and shout, and once some spat at me. But then I feel I get my own back everytime I ride through or past a line of stationary traffic :D
  • mattbass789
    mattbass789 Posts: 355
    I've had people scream and shout at me and it does take you by surprise. It just makes me wonder and laugh why they feel the need to involve themselves in what im doing, and try and put me off. There was one time, my 6th sense kicked in and i was going along up a hill and i saw a "rave cave" of a vauxhall corsa filled with baeballed capped youths, and they all looked at me and the driver threw a bottle at me well ahead, enough to catch it and hurl it back at them, narrowly missed getting it in the rear window. Ive never ridden off so fast in my life!
    “If you worried about falling off the bike, you’d never get on.”

  • Jeriko
    Jeriko Posts: 14
    Things like this really infuriate me. All my cycling is done in the countryside so luckily I avoid the boyracer types and have only had one hostile experience, where the car sped past mere inches to my side while pipping the horn manically in an attempt to startle me. On a bend, no less. It very nearly worked, and it's scary to realise how fast things could go wrong before your senses perceive what's happening.

    While I do avoid the hostile crowd, there's still the segment of drivers who think they own the road and are not obligated to give me more than a few inches of room as they pass. If it wasn't for the fact I'm neither a speed demon nor a burly warrior, I'd probably let my anger get the better of me and go after these tw*ts.
  • oaky
    oaky Posts: 141
    Similar thing happened to me a few weeks back. Five minutes from home after a 40 mile ride I saw a 'yoof' on the pavement a few meters ahead. I guessed he was going to do something, and he did. He jumped out into the middle of the road (while I'm doing almost 20mph) waving him arms and screaming at me. Just inches from my face.

    I just rode on, but immediately after I wished I'd unclipped my foot and kicked him as I past. Then I spent the rest of the way home debating whether to turn around and find him again.

    But then I realised how unintimidating I looked wearing lycra tights and how unstable I'd be marching up to him in cleats.
  • cw42
    cw42 Posts: 205
    After being stopped at the lights in Poynton the other day for a while, and doing some stretches to keep the blood flowing, as the lights turned green and the traffic came past me, a shout of "nice arse!" came by in a little mini :) Pity it was a bloke shouting! :shock:

    Had the usual nobs who drive past 1" away to scare you for whatever reason their tiny brains are trying to fathom, and had the odd bit of abuse too. Goes with the sport I guess :roll:
    live long, eat biscuit
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,285
    had the odd tw@t shout / beep the horn. But the wife has had the worst one that made her angry for ages, someone shouted "nice bingo wings" as she was cycling! :lol:
  • ademort
    ademort Posts: 1,924
    On a lighter note i was returning from a race evening last July about 21.30 a vehicle passed with the occupants(all young men) singing loudly and the horn beeping. About 2 Kms further i see the same car parked, unfortunately its parked on the cycle lane. We were in the middle of nowhere. On approaching i could see 3 young lads standing by the car. When i was about 50 Metres from the car one of the lads shouted in my direction. He said Hey mate do ya want a laugh, we have had to stop for our mate hes having a S@@t in the field.True enough these young lads shouted to there mate in the field and suddenly up popped a head and torso. The embarassed young lad pulled up his pants and came as quick as he could back to the car. I had a quick conversation with the lads it was all in good humour, and then carried on riding home. Made my night really :wink:
    Chinarello, record and Mavic Cosmic Sl
    Gazelle Vuelta , veloce
    Giant Defy 4
    Mirage Columbus SL
    Batavus Ventura
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,034
    Had some idiots throw eggs at me from a moving car when I walked the dog one night. It's amazing how much something so fragile can hurt when it hits you at that speed. Also, the egg somehow didn't break on me but bounced onto the floor :?
  • I once had fireworks thrown at me from a moving car. :( missed me though so no physical damage.

  • Had people shout - really shocking as it happens; you don't know wtf is going on.

    Was cycling through Croydon at 2am last Saturday night... BAD IDEA - some chavs threw a drink at me - thankfully it missed, but it was enough to get me to cancel the ride and get home ASAP :P
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    Hit once on the way home in our quiet rural lanes - apart from the usual reactions (and the egg), what really struck me was that they must have been driving along with the egg ready to launch at whoever happened to be there, they couldn't have had more than 10 seconds in which to act.
  • Paul32uk
    Paul32uk Posts: 80
    I've had this happen a few times now too. Mostly people shouting things or shouting random noises in the hope of scaring me. Last one though I was cycling towards a group of mostly boys with a few girls and could tell one was going to shout before I even got there. His attempt at scaring me wasn't even heard over what I was shouting back :lol:

    I had my first projectile thrown at me out in the New Forest yesterday. An empty Coke can from the top deck of a double decker bus. I suspect it was a Brockenhurst College student. Missed me by about 2 feet though.

    I canr figure out the mentality of the people who do these kind of things either.

  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    One of a group of chavs threw a stone at me as I commuted home a few years ago. It made a big dent in my helmet, if it had hit me in the face or on the temple it could have been pretty nasty. Phoned the police but they showed little interest, in fact the woman I reported it to (not a policewoman but some phone jockey for the Met Police in London) actually had a go at me for having the temerity to not know the postcode of the area it happened in!

    Had another chav try to shove a large cardboard box into the road in front of me. It was quite strange, he was walking along with the box when all of a sudden he decided to shove it in front of me! I easily avoided it, must've peed off the motorists behind though - it was a busy section of the Old Kent Rd.
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Last time I had something like that happen, it was when someone leaned out of the passenger window to push me off.

    Ended up in hospital.


    Not much you can do about it to be honest.
  • ilm_zero7
    ilm_zero7 Posts: 2,213
    seems like there is a hole in the market - my wife's car sat nav has a camera - wouldnt it be good to have an emergency shapshot facility on a garmin for just those moments when you want to capture a number plate or short video?
    Wiliers: Cento Uno/Superleggera R and Zero 7. Bianchi Infinito CV and Oltre XR2
  • HonestAl
    HonestAl Posts: 406
    had a banana thrown at me from a passenger window as I rode up a a hill some time ago. I'd have loved to have had enough breath to ask the(presumably) monkey who threw it if he wanted it back
    "The only absolute statement is that everything is relative" - anon
  • guilliano
    guilliano Posts: 5,495
    I've had a couple of incidents like this.... both involving vans.

    First one was on a bypass, riding between Leighton Buzzard and Dunstable. Pushing along at a decent pace, a van goes past, obviously slowing as it did and sprayed silly string at me whilst laughing manically. Kuntz!

    The second was riding along the A418 from Leighton Buzzard to Aylesbury one morning. Van hurtles past giving me about 6 inches of space with some cokc screaming out of the window. As I came into Bierton they were in traffic so I unclipped and as I pulled alongside I aimed multiple kicks with my cleat at the van and screamed the same thing back through the still open passenger window at the now cowering chav scum bucket who realised I was nearly twice his size
  • TurboMonkey
    TurboMonkey Posts: 116
    Had a really unnerving incident last year.
    Was riding with a friend up ashurst beacon, lancs when a car pulls up alongside me.
    The passenger then decides to grab onto my helmet and pull me along the road, luckily I managed to get free before god knows what could have happened.

    Had a really unnerving one this year as well, riding in a group of 14 around the same area on a saturday morning in february. A bit of fog came down and we were all sticking together fairly tight. A car comes to overtake and sees headlights approaching, decides to pull in at 40mph ish hitting me and the rider ahead, taking the entire group down.

    Is this a battle for supremacy or just carelessness and stupidity?
  • x8swift9x
    x8swift9x Posts: 268
    God. Yet to receive the grief that you guys have had. Mask of sanity (forum member) and I had a car honk aggressively at us for undertaking in slow moving traffic in a cycle lane. When the driver overtook us, he braked abruptly almost causing us to hit him. TW@!

    I look forward to the day of someone doing something silly to me and then getting caught at the lights...
    Road: Felt AR0, Di2
    Touring/commute: Dolan Multricross
    TT: PX Exocet Sold because it was like a sail in the wind (sh*t)