How to remove a tyre which runs tubeless??

kolsteed Posts: 387
edited May 2010 in MTB workshop & tech
This sounds really dump I know,but I have never run tubless before.
I have just bought a bike and the guy has fitted tubeless.
When I have deflated the valve a little the white stuff comes out.
How do I change the tyre with out loads of mess,and do you have to waste all that sealent???????
My steeds
Cannondale flash f1 ,custom build
Next bike??? Time to start saving


  • M6TTF
    M6TTF Posts: 602
    just remove it like you would any other tyre - just keep it upright and have a container to pour any sealant that's left in the tyre. Take the valve out and give it a clean up and then put it back in if you want to carry on running tubeless
  • kolsteed
    kolsteed Posts: 387
    Thanks for that
    My steeds
    Cannondale flash f1 ,custom build
    Next bike??? Time to start saving
  • dwclay99
    dwclay99 Posts: 100
    You may find that the tubless tires are harder to install on the rim due to stiffer side walls (need for air proofing) warm soapy water all over the bead will help the instalation.

    keep the sealant in an air tight container also!

  • stumpyjon
    stumpyjon Posts: 3,983
    If you change tyres you really want to replace the sealent anyway. It was the hassle and mess of sealent when swapping tyres that has sent me back to tubes.
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  • CraziScot
    CraziScot Posts: 66
    Get yourself a Stan's No Tubes Injector, let the tyre sit upright for 10 - 15 minutes then pop one side of the bead off keeping it upright, suck the sealant out. Job done.

    Getting it back in is even easier, fit the tyre, inflate and seat, deflate and remove the valve core, inject the sealant back in, re-inflate.