Carrying a camera?

bigpikle Posts: 1,690
edited April 2010 in Road beginners
I've been doing some longer day rides with a few mates, like a day in the Cotswolds etc, and am looking for a solution for carrying a compact camera easily and safely?

I have had my phone buried in my little saddlebag but it has the drawbacks of being a crap camera and being zipped up in the saddlebag it means a full stop and off the bike to get it - so typically it never gets used. I also dont want to put it in a jersey pocket as its not a cheap camera and I dont want to fall on it in the event of an incident - for me or the camera...

So, does anyone have a solution for a small, light and easy to access pouch/case that perhaps clips to the handlebars or perhaps a way of attaching my great little Lowepro pouch securely to the bars, so it doesnt fall off or move about on the move? I'm sure there is a blindingly obvious solution but I cant see it yet....

Thanks for any useful suggestions.
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