How depressing, ive lost a years worth of training

Gav888 Posts: 946
edited April 2010 in The bottom bracket
Ive been suffering with a cold since the end of Jan and my training has been very limited, maybe once a week of easy riding if that, as I have been trying to rest and get over this cold, now im finally feeling better although im not 100% over it yet I decided to go out for a ride yesterday, planned to do an easy 3 hours to see how badly the lack of training has effected me as I would normally ride for this long on a weekend and find it a comfortable amount of time to ride.

I ended up struggling to do the ride at a pace I was doing in april last year :(

I hate the fact that you can detrain so quickly, and that this damb cold isn't gone yet, and that the damb doctors told me its to be expected as I have a daughter in nursery and to expect alot more colds in the future..... It makes you want to give up on cycling some times.

Sorry, just felt like moaning :D
Cycling never gets any easier, you just go faster - Greg LeMond


  • BigG67
    BigG67 Posts: 582
    Chin up...I've been there and while I'm no Cat 1 I've always found it comes back quicker than it took to get in the first place.... :D
  • Gav, I stopped racing about a year ago - had just gone under the hour, started to come into some form with a nice new shiny bike, and in May practically stopped riding altogether. I started again in anger about 6 weeks ago, and it comes back quicker than you might dare think it will. Losing the weight is the hard bit!
  • markos1963
    markos1963 Posts: 3,724
    You'll be fine Gav. I get like that after every winter layoff and have come back harder and more determined. Get yourself into the Suffolk Sunrise and me and the boys will give you a tow around :wink:
  • hamstrich
    hamstrich Posts: 112
    This article might be of interest - it outlines which particular aspects of fitness decrease after stopping training and how they recover upon resuming.
  • johnboy183
    johnboy183 Posts: 832
    I can certainly sympathise with your predicament. It's been so long since I've been on a bike that I think I've forgot a) what it looks like and b) what to do with it once I get back on...can't say I was at any real level of fitness other than enjoying a good 50 mile ride every week. Not sure I could do 50 yards now without getting out of breath. best of luck on your comeback
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,693
    Break your femur...THEN you'll miss your training !

    But, positive thinking, turbos, swiss ball, physio and a good Mrs and it'll come back.
  • I know how you feel, I finally got up to doing 120miles a week about 2 months ago, then I caught sickness and diarrhoea which I had for a week, then went straight into a cold which lasted 2 weeks and started getting migraines weekly for which I'm now on medication for.

    I lost 2mph from my average o.O
  • Gav888
    Gav888 Posts: 946
    Thanks for the responses, I didnt really expect to get any I just needed to vent as im finding this so frustrating, rather than spending the last 3 months getting fitter and faster im going backwards quite dramatically....

    Markos, to be honest im not sure if im going to enter the Suffolk Sunrise now, I did put my name down for the 100 route end of last year, obviously with me being ill for so long the 50 mile route will be a struggle now and I wouldnt want to slow you down again like last year...!

    hamstrich, thanks for the article, interesting read :)
    Cycling never gets any easier, you just go faster - Greg LeMond