Lapierre ... 12 months on?

DanTheo Posts: 2
edited April 2010 in MTB buying advice
I was literally about to buy my new Lapierre Zesty 514 last week, when I took my old Specialised FSR into a 'local' bike shop to get a few repairs. Noting the shop was a Lapierre dealer, I asked the guy his views on the Zesty (.. having seen the great reports in MBR), only to be shot down by the guy saying he wouldn't touch them with a barge pole, and that he no longer stocks them. He said the 'new' reviews are great, but just wait 6-12 months, and he said he got fed up with the number of returns he saw. He's a Trek/Orange dealer, and has tried to push me to the EX8 or the Orange 5, but I'm still keen on the Lapierre, but wondered if anyone had any views on this opinion? I realise there seems to be a problem with the standard wheels, but anything else - he was suggesting problems with the frames?? Any views welcomed tks.


  • Yeah but they look so good i could sex wee all day.

    That in itself would justify me buying it, if i had the money.

    Go big or go home.
  • funny you say that matey as my lbs have had less than a handfull in on returns in 3 years!
    possibly be that the shop mechanics Arnt checking them over and torquing up the relevant bolts etc. If he's had so many returns!!

    oh, and unless he had a 514 in stock last week you wouldnt be getting one loL! none at the supliers and no more available until the new models! :wink: same for 314's,
    After all, I am Cornish!
    Cotic Soul, The bike of Legends!:wink: Yes, I Am a bike tart! ... 1#16297481
  • dan45a
    dan45a Posts: 143
    I had a zesty 514 for nearly 2 year and it was amazing, had to do the usual maintenance that I did with previous full sus bikes like shock bushes etc.. but no problems at all.

    I am now on my 2nd zesty, 714, it this is even better than the 514, I have only had it for 4 months and used it at least twice a week and problems so far.

    I am very happy with both my lapierre purchases. I would recommend a zesty all day long...
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    why is as soon as i consider purchasing a bike like this, aload of horro stories start coming out :lol: until this week id never heard of any problems with zesty's, but all the ones ive now seen with problems seemed to be 08-09 frames and not the 10's. not you will be able to get a 2010 zesty for much longer tho :shock: selling like hot cakes still.......
  • dynastarg9
    dynastarg9 Posts: 103
    I've had my 2010 zesty 514 since october last year and ridden it all winter with no problems. I've been through the standard brake pads, chain and grips though - if they count. Maybe people are returning them because the consumables are wearing out too quickly?!?

    THUMBS UP FROM A PROUD ZESTY OWNER! If you can find one, buy it!!!
    Lapierre Zesty 514 - 2010
  • Mickey Eye
    Mickey Eye Posts: 590
    Two newly registered accounts set up to diss Lapierre? Call me a cynic but I smell a poorly devised shill campaign.
  • timmys
    timmys Posts: 191
    Mickey Eye wrote:
    Two newly registered accounts set up to diss Lapierre? Call me a cynic but I smell a poorly devised shill campaign.

    Yeah seems a bit fishy.

    Perhaps it's someone saving up for one who wants to stop them running out before they have the money together! :)
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    No denying they've had a few problems but it's hardly epidemic. And most of the issues people talk about are on the non-lapierre bits, it's hardly their fault the XT wheels had issues is it?
    Uncompromising extremist
  • 5Thumbs
    5Thumbs Posts: 88
    I've got a 2009 514. Ridden all year round on all manner of terrain from Surrey Hills to Lakes and Yorks Dales, reasonable maintenance (lubing and cleaning) and not a single issue other than a puncture last July. Fantastic bike - so much fun to riide and inspires such confidence. Looks the schnizzle too....

    I dont believe there are any inherent problems with Lapierre. Sure there may be the odd wrong un but so what - same with any manufacturer. Lapierre are a long established company and will stand by their warranty . The MBR longtermer got a right thrashing and no issues reported other than saddle and drivetrain wearng out...that matches my experience so go ahead - buy and enjoy!
  • GHill
    GHill Posts: 2,402
    Northwind wrote:
    And most of the issues people talk about are on the non-lapierre bits, it's hardly their fault the XT wheels had issues is it?

    Well, they're the ones that specced the bike. They're also selling a finished bike, not just a frame - IMO some responsibility lies at their door (and yes, I'm sure they handle the warranty). I've heard (from the Internet, so take a pinch of salt) both the headset and BB bearings wear out very quickly. That's something they should spec better.
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    GHill wrote:
    Well, they're the ones that specced the bike

    Yup, but it's not like they specced inappropriate rims like Orange do, or something like that- the XTs should be absolutely perfect for the job, but Shimano dropped the ball on the freehubs. Lapierre couldn't know that.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    I did think Conti Race Kings were a cheeky speccing choice on previous years though. Quick way to the top of the weight charts, most magazines will then swap them to something bigger for testing.
  • GHill
    GHill Posts: 2,402
    Northwind wrote:
    the XTs should be absolutely perfect for the job, but Shimano dropped the ball on the freehubs. Lapierre couldn't know that.

    Ah, I've got it now :lol: As long as they sort it under warranty then there shouldn't be a prob.