dodgy knee

dwill Posts: 150
edited April 2010 in MTB general
Got a problem with my left knee area i can cycle walk run etc with no pain its when i squat down to be honest it just feels like it`s going to snap the tightness is more on the outside of my leg just above the knee i`m not after a dianosis just wondering if anyone has had a similar injury?


  • Raymondavalon
    Raymondavalon Posts: 5,346
    Go see a doctor.... knees are finicky contraptions and best diagnosed and treated by a medical professional
    I assure you that you will not get any advice that will help here.. If it's sympathy you want, well sorry I am fresh out of that...
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Yes, do that. Don't **** with your knees, they damage easily and fix poorly and they're useful things to have.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • dwill
    dwill Posts: 150
    lol im not after sympathy. i just find it odd that i have no pain at all
  • RichJJ
    RichJJ Posts: 25
    As above, go see a doctor. Knee pain can be caused by all sorts of problems so assuming you've tried basic stretching already take no advice but that of a doctor initially (from someone thats not been able to ride a bike for over 2 months due to a dodgy f***ing knee)
  • scale20
    scale20 Posts: 1,300
    I have been going through about 18 months of re-hab and physio for my knees. As said above dont mess about and get to a doctor to get a initial inspection. Is it something thats been there for a while or just come on suddenly?

    In my experience sometimes you wont get much from a doctor, just a pot of anti inflamataries and told to rest it. It's well worth spending about £30 and visiting your nearest sports physio. They will go much more into depth and will more than likely give you a more accurate diagnosis and some good advice on preventative exercises.
    Niner Air 9 Rigid
    Whyte 129S 29er.
  • For years now I've suffered with my knees, they like to dislocate at will, usually when I'm carrying something or strangely, standing still! I've been to doctors & specialists but they couldn't give me any answers.

    Over the years I've tried different things, the best thing I can suggest for any non bloody knee injury is a microwaveable gel wrap thing, just warp it up & slap it on give it 30 mins then try some gentle stretching. Works wonders.

    Do go see a doctor though.
    Why oh why do onions make you cry?
  • sofaboy73
    sofaboy73 Posts: 574
    i'm with everyone else, get yourself to the doctor and / or sports physio asap.

    I had a ssimialr this which turned out to be inflamed cartludge whiuch later tore and am now awaiting knee surgery.

    in terms of general knee issues though, i find taking glucosamine and omega 3 supplements every day really helps
  • As others have said; get to the doctors/physio and get it checked out. They're finiky things and once they're buggered it takes a lot to get them sorted again. I had a misdiagnosis on my knee last october and only found out in Jan that I've got a torn cartilage which means no cycling, running, squash, surfing, snowboarding, etc for anything from 6-9months. And a potential operation after that if it's still not sorted :(
    New bike - bust knee within a month - 9 months no riding - getting fat....
  • gaanrowl
    gaanrowl Posts: 326
    i have something similar it could be a tightening of the iliotibial band

    hope this helps but do see a doc or pysio.
  • V5ade
    V5ade Posts: 192
    A GP is a jack of all trades so probably won't know much about injurys to the knee, however you can ask them to refer you to a specialist (normally the same week if you have Bupa).
    My advice is to also get a second opinion from a well respected sports physio. My wife had a problem with her knee, our GP said it was just a strain but as her knee still kept giving way on her after 6 weeks she saw a very good sports physio. He said it looked like a classic anterior cruciate ligament problem. He was correct and she had to have the ligament replaced (she still has the titanium screws in her knee). The thing, how long would this have gone on for if we hadn't got the physio involved?
    Somewhere in the Surrey Hills :-)
  • Also if you do have to go physio, you find out what to do for next time if there is one & the bonus is you could get a hot physio nurse :o)

    Either way you can learn from physio, a GP will dose you with pills & what not without you actually knowing what they are doing if they are doing anything at all!

    You can get a decent session on NHS & if you mention it affects your work they will help more & your work will give you the time you need... Or atleast mine did.

    Good luck man
    Why oh why do onions make you cry?
  • brocky
    brocky Posts: 104
    ive had the same syptoms as you mate. i was fine to do most things with a small discomfort but sqauting and twisting hurt like hel.I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with a ripped cartiladge.Get it checked out mate because apparently there are two cartiladges in your knee,one will fix itself and the other requires surgery.i got lucky and mine wil repair itself.:Dgood luck
  • drewcole81
    drewcole81 Posts: 528
    Look after your knees, you'll miss them when their gone...
    ....DaZeD aNd CoNfUsEd....
  • scale20
    scale20 Posts: 1,300
    As mentioned above its well worth starting to take glucosamine tablets. My Specialist told me I can take up to a 1500mg tablet everyday.

    My issues have stemmed from cycling. Through the years my cycling has over developed my quads so they have been pulling my kneecaps outward and upwards slightly. I have now had to start doing exercises on my hamstrings and VMO's to compensate and try and bring them back into line. As a result my knees are pretty much fecked, Ive had to stop my running :cry:
    Niner Air 9 Rigid
    Whyte 129S 29er.
  • ride_whenever
    ride_whenever Posts: 13,279
    Don't waste a doctors time, you need a good sports physio, who can then refer you onto anything you need from the NHS.

    Ideally look for a physio who has experience with cycling or rowing...
  • Yeah definitely the best advice is to find a physio. I'm lucky in that we have a very good physio at work so costs nothing :)

    Lucky for me my only problem is muscle wastage causing my knee to be mis-aligned.
    Paul B

    '11 Nukeproof Mega
    '11 Genesis Aether 20
  • RichJJ
    RichJJ Posts: 25
    scale20 wrote:
    As mentioned above its well worth starting to take glucosamine tablets. My Specialist told me I can take up to a 1500mg tablet everyday.

    My issues have stemmed from cycling. Through the years my cycling has over developed my quads so they have been pulling my kneecaps outward and upwards slightly. I have now had to start doing exercises on my hamstrings and VMO's to compensate and try and bring them back into line. As a result my knees are pretty much fecked, Ive had to stop my running :cry:

    Hi Scale, been told the same with mine, working hard on VMOs at the moment, how long did it take for you to get back on bike ?
  • scale20
    scale20 Posts: 1,300
    I have never really got off the bike, I couldn't! I make a point now of not pushing too hard a gear on the hills. I used to be a bit of a d!ck and try my best not to use the granny ring and push it hard up hills, probably why I'm paying for it now :lol:

    Accupuncture around the knees helped too, had a couple of sessions and it loosened them up well. They used to lock up when driving but not anymore. It can hurt but well worth it.

    The over development of my quads also made my feet point out a little so I have had specialist insoles made for running, and the VMO training will bring them back in.

    I'm lucky because all me treatment has all been free of charge through the Army. Unfortunatley it has put me back a lot with my fitness :(
    Niner Air 9 Rigid
    Whyte 129S 29er.
  • seeing a doctor can refer you to a physio
    a GP is jack off all but if they start prescribing medication ignor and go onto the next

    If money isn't an issue or even if you can afford 30 quid get booked into a physio, try your LBS they might have experience of one or your local gym but not a trainer

    I tore my cartilage 10 years ago and the biggest mistake i did was not do continue with my inital physio and in fact change the physio.
    5 years post knee op i went back to a physio and my left leg was using the quads and the right the hamstrings. My back was a bit out and even now get the odd pain in the knee cap.
    Cycling helps no end

    i can give you my rexcercises bvut then it could make you worse. Seek professional help I wish someone had told me - the couple of hundred quid i saved from not going to the physio 10 years ago is the worst money i've saved in my life.
    2010 stumpy expert
    2008 marin rocky ridge (misses)
    2006 stumpy HT comp (daughters now)
  • dwill
    dwill Posts: 150
    got an appointment with a sports physio on wed, cant get a docs appointment for the purple rinse brigade. got my fingers crossed it isnt too bad it does seem to be easing up a bit i`ve probably done something to it whilst pi55ed lol but i cant remember.