Tyre - Ok or not?

Where are my stabilisers?
edited April 2010 in MTB workshop & tech
Hello my techie friends :D

I'm in the process of checking over my sisters bike (it's one of those town/leisure type bikes with skinny wheels) and one of the tyres has an area of cracks on it. The bike has been in the shed since last summer and I think the rubber is slightly perished. At the moment I've just pumped them up as they had gone flat.

I know the safest and obvious solution would be to replace the tyre before use... but I'd like to know if is it useable at all? I remember having tyres like this as a kid and they seemed to last ok, but I'd like to know what you pro's think - Like, when does a tyre become "dangerous"?

I'm not trying to cut corners, I just want to know more about the limits of a trye.

Thanks for the advice.


  • i have pumped up tyres like that and they havent seemed to have been a problem, but it depends on what your comfortable riding on. for example if you have done that i wouldnt jump up and down kerbs. basically if you arent sure id change them, but they SHOULD be okay :) hope it helps
  • Thread8
    Thread8 Posts: 479
    Depends how deep and how many cracks there are, and where-if they are on the tread, replace, they should be alright on the sidewall for a little bit so long as you dont stress them too much and keep the tyre well inflated

    Be careful when inflating them though, I have had a cracked tyre as described explode on me once, which isn't fun
    Haro Thread 8
    Please help!

    "It's like parkour, on a bike"
  • Thanks guys - The cracks are on one patch of the sidewall, probably created when the tyre deflated and the weight of the bike pressed the tyre down while it was sitting in the shed! I can see her doing any kerb jumping etc., it'll just be light road use.