helmet disintegrates



  • furby
    furby Posts: 200
    djcombes wrote:
    Alex wrote:
    A regular programme of equipment replacement is worthwhile for any MTB owner. We all know when our drivetrains are worn out, but how many of you replace your handlebars every few years? They fatigue and should be replaced just as regularly as your lid. You do not want to ride with fatigued handlebars. Snapping bars is not fun. It is messy.
    Do you actually understand fatigue? It's not a case of the metal getting a bit tired and then suddenly breaking. It's about cracks growing incrementally under reversed stress cycles, potentially up until the point where the structure is sufficiently weak that it can fail catastrophically. I think you'd notice the growth of such a crack in your bars long before it became an issue.

    *inapporiate flame*
    Ask yourself the same question, do you understand fatigue? :roll: :wink:

    *Sensibleposting mode*
    As you quite rightly point out it is all about incremental growth of cracks, but such cracks can be tiny and easlily missed unless you start going over with a magnifying glass!?