new chain

coxy17 Posts: 401
edited April 2010 in MTB buying advice
im thinking of buying this as my current chain has snapped and not for the first time ... elID=25422

but will i need a new cassette i only put the new one on 2 months ago so dont want to fork out another 50 for a new one



  • SpiderNdc
    SpiderNdc Posts: 137
    Hi about kmc my mate bout this chain in 10sp version and hy kill it in 3 month time so i don't know if is that a god idea about casette no you don't need to change if it was 2 ms old ( dypend how meny miles you did but if under 300 will by fine)
    i like bbb chains and shimano wiperman have a god reputation also god luck
  • coxy17
    coxy17 Posts: 401
    the cassette is about 20 miles old so im glad that will be fine
    i just want a strong chain for once
  • SpiderNdc
    SpiderNdc Posts: 137
    heh i bot a shimano yumeya for 55£ and it snaps 3 times since 5 mounts ( 3 times in 2 weeks but chain is 5 old) but that was foult of lube from my opinion because i use "clean ride" lube from hmm dont remember whot company but it was dry wax lube so it make the chain dry and when it start griding snapt :P so realy normy im riding bbb chains so ma by some 1 else have different look
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    SpiderNdc wrote:
    heh i bot a shimano yumeya for 55£ and it snaps 3 times since 5 mounts ( 3 times in 2 weeks but chain is 5 old) but that was foult of lube from my opinion because i use "clean ride" lube from hmm dont remember whot company but it was dry wax lube so it make the chain dry and when it start griding snapt :P so realy normy im riding bbb chains so ma by some 1 else have different look
    :?: :?
  • SpiderNdc
    SpiderNdc Posts: 137
    :?: what ? lube was White Lightning clean ride :evil:
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    read the rules

    no txt speak (or whatever language it was)
  • lonzo
    lonzo Posts: 62
    f f f f fat gold chain... :roll:
  • The Spiderman
    The Spiderman Posts: 5,625
    My personal preference is for SRAM chains for the powerlink connector,though the KMC chains seem to get good feedback too.

    What is the current chain that has snapped?
    2006 Giant XTC
    2010 Giant Defy Advanced
    2016 Boardman Pro 29er
    2016 Pinnacle Lithium 4
    2017 Canondale Supersix Evo
  • SpiderNdc
    SpiderNdc Posts: 137
    Just order for my self my yumeya broke one more time :evil: ... delID=5154
  • coxy17
    coxy17 Posts: 401
    its sram chains i keep on snapping lol